Guys, how attractive is a calm, down to earth caring woman who has a good career but wants to put family first even willing to take years off for kid?

My closest friend has an extremely good career in medical as a pharmacist. She is intelligent, calm, down to earth, affectionate and well liked for her outstanding nuturing personality. She is willing, however, to take years off of her career when kids come around so that the early formative years are covered.

In her home country she'd be honored & respected quite highly and have no issues finding a quality husband who doesn't want some leech but a contributing member of his household.

But in western culture - specifically American where we live - it seems men are more interested in either having
> a trophy wife with few brain cells but looks pretty
> a housewife that has no job & does nothing but mop the floor

Guys, how attractive is a calm, down to earth caring woman who has a good career but wants to put family first even willing to take years off for kid?
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