He looks at girls that he talks bad about?

My boyfriend gets grossed out with trans (male to female) people, yet, I catch him watching a video of someone on Facebook and continued by going to the page to watch more of their videos.

When I ask him what he's watching, he says it's a trans person that looks "gross" and posting "stupid videos" and then he goes on by saying "I just wanted to see what they post" but he'll complain to me that he tries to block those pages and videos and they still pop u pon his Facebook.

I tried to explain to him that the algorithm works by suggesting what he watches most and what he views the longest. But he doesn't seem to want to understand that. He thinks just because he chose to show less of those posts, that it'll stop it from showing him those videos. But he's the one watching those kinds of videos a lot, so it's going to show up for him more than less.

I don't understand why guys would talk so negatively about something they're actually into?

He looks at girls that he talks bad about?
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