This guy, I've been flirting with a while told me this... I don't play with him... What do you think he means?
The phrase "don't play with me" can mean different things depending on the context, the relationship between the individuals involved, and the tone in which it's said. Generally, the phrase is an expression of seriousness or sincerity, indicating that the person does not want to be deceived, joked with, or taken lightly in that particular situation. It could come up in various settings—romantic relationships, friendships, or even professional environments.
In a romantic context, saying "don't play with me" might mean that the person doesn't want their emotions or intentions to be toyed with. In friendships, it could be a plea for honesty or straightforwardness. In professional settings, it could imply that the individual expects to be taken seriously and not undermined.
It's crucial to consider the tone and context when interpreting this phrase. If said jokingly, it might not carry much weight, but if stated in a serious tone, it could signify a moment of gravity that demands attention. As with many idiomatic expressions, understanding the nuance is key to grasping the intended message.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
1 yMost likely, it means "don't flirt and act interested unless you have a genuine romantic interest in me." Or, it could mean, ""don't flirt and act interested unless you actually want to have sex with me."
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- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Maybe he is sensetive person and these flirting things flutter his heart and he understands it's flirt and understands flirting isn't always true words and wants to stay away from it.
Maybe he has some painful stories in past experience or broken heart
But more chances he is sensitive kind person00 Reply
- 1 y
Bluntly he's telling you to stop being an attention seeking bitch.
If you're interested in him, stop just flirting & make it obvious.
If you're not interested & just flirting for attention, then he's saying to... fuck off.
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
That's a really context-dependent comment. My guess is that he's probably telling you to stop acting like you're interested if you aren't serious.
Or, if it was said in a joking way, he's just playing into the flirting game.
00 Reply 328 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. He means don't play with his feelings. Don't flirt with him unless you've got serious intentions with him, and not because you want attention or are just bored.
10 Replyits means showinng interest when your not interested any thing more than friendship..
he's not a toy dont treat him as one..
if you like him dont fuck around with his time its not a game he's interested in playinng with you...00 ReplyBe transparent with your attentions and goals
Communicating more clearly and honestly and try to discuss things that are important for him
Give some importance to things he wants
Etc00 ReplyDon't play with his emotions. Don't give him signals and then act surprised when he makes a move.
00 Reply- 1 y
Flirting, is playing games, he just wants you to be up front with him, DONT COCK AROUND
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
He thinks you're playing with his emotions.
00 Reply - 1 y
It means he cheats at cards.
00 Reply 343 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. He wants to go to the next step. Relationship.
00 Reply2.1K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Be more honest about your intentions.
00 Reply- 1 y
You're p1ssing him off.
00 Reply - 1 y
no more mind games or playing hard to get
00 Reply - 1 y
Baby Reynolds ❤️😂
01 Reply- 1 y
Lol was the thumbnail
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