Am I being petty am I wrong for that?

Ok so I don’t speak to the guy I was messing with anymore he wrote me asking me if I had Apple Pay he have an iPhone I don’t get how he don’t have that but I told him to not have nobody send nothing to my phone he asked me one time before and we was cool so I let him but I stopped dealing with him so him writing me asking me knowing I have Apple Pay was just stupid but I still replied and told him to not have no one send nothing to my Apple Pay because we aren’t cool. He said ok but than I notice him calling me on messenger on fb none stop I looked at his message and he said the person sent it to send it to his cash app for him. I got upset told him I’m never speaking to him again I sent it than blocked him on Facebook. Was I wrong? I just feel like that was disrespectful because i found out he was sending other girls money for gas and stuff so him telling me the money is for his cousin son to go to the store I know he’s lying either it’s for him to give to a girl for gas or to catch to go to go see a girl or something. He just a liar so I stopped trusting him and stopped helping him.
Am I being petty am I wrong for that?
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