Does this make him look guilty by not responding?

i got a really gross message of someone name calling me and saying i was disgusting and ugly but it was from a no caller id text number so i wasn’t able to answer back. i instantly called my ex and he answered the second time i called him back, i was super aggravated and annoyed so when he answered i Immediately said “hello?” i waited a few seconds for him to respond and said “helloo?” thinking maybe he didn’t hear me and after a few seconds once again i said “hellooooo?” super rude and bitchy like and that’s when he hung up. it was absolute dead silence on his end but i knew he was there listening because the call lasted a good 15-20 seconds before he hung up. he knew in the sound of my voice i was pissed off about something. i tried calling him back and he sent it to voicemail and i called him right back and he blocked me from calling

i then texted him through my email and told him if he was the sending me harassing messages from no caller id to please stop and leave me alone and how he is a liar and all he did in our relationship was treat me like shit. i wasn’t nice about it but also no response.

why did he listen on the phone but no response?
do you think he looks guilty not responding to either the phone call or the texts?
1 mo
the no caller id message wrote “have it. you weird ugly disgusting ass bitch.” not sure what they meant by “have it.”
Does this make him look guilty by not responding?
6 Opinion