How do I talk to a guy that I've never talked to before?

This is for guys preferably in highschool or college!! :)
So I like this guy, I'll call him John. I sat next to him for the first couple months of a class, and he was super sweet and even asked for my snap at one point, but I didn't have it then, so I had to tell John no. He told me a lot of things about himself and he used to dance and fool around when we were near each other in any class or the hallways. I started liking him around mid-September, and in January I downloaded snap and added him. We haven't talked since about October, and I really want to again. I get a lot of mixed signals from him, but i really want to get to know him more. Is it even a good idea for me to try texting or snapping him? Every other time I try leaves me on opened. If it is a good idea for me to start a conversation, any ideas on what I should say?
How do I talk to a guy that I've never talked to before?
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