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4.8K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. That question can't really be answered until you know what kind of man you are dealing with.
Likely, you are dealing with a man who is experienced in life and in the bedroom, and who likely is only really looking for a more casual relationship (even if it's somewhat long-term casual), and he doesn't feel like he should have to pretend that the two of you don't want to have sex - he doesn't feel like he should have to wait for it arbitrarily, especially because he doesn't take the relationship all that seriously anyway.
It's *possible* - not likely, but possible - that he's actually a "relationship guy" but that he doesn't see you as "relationship material" for some reason, and that essentially means that in his mind, you are really only good for casual sex. And to be fair, a lot of women absolutely ARE only good for casual sex because of their choices, behavior, and their past. I have no idea if that applies to you or not - all that matters is that you understand that this situation DOES exist, it's just not all that common.
If he was a serious relationship guy, then his priorities would be about vetting you and working out the details of the relationship, knowing that sex would come when the time came. It seems pretty clear that he's not that guy, UNLESS he was offering sex as a test. This is not something most guys do - guys generally don't do "shit-tests" like women do - but for every rule, there will always be a few exceptions.
In any case, you can easily avoid this kind of confusion in the future by setting your own boundaries and expectations up-front. Yes, some guys will hear those and will disappear - and some of them will be men you find very attractive - but all that means is that you have successfully filtered out someone who was never serious about you.
If you hope to have a real relationship - one where you know and understand the boundaries and expectations - then you have to START with boundaries and expectations, and you have to vet any and all potential partners up-front, which means you have to be fully prepared for some if not most of those men to fail the vetting process. If you ignore red flags or skip the vetting process entirely, then you'll be in the same situation you are now: in unknown territory trying to figure out what's really going on - and that sucks. If this guy isn't on the same page, it does you no good to have to spend all of this energy trying to figure him out - send him down the road. If you accept "messy" relationships - with no rules, boundaries, or expectations - then your relationships will always be messy.
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- 7 mo
Many good answers and replies.
And I agree in general, he's horny, he's attracted and he's sexually experienced.
However, whether he's respectful or not depends on the culture and situation.
For example, in a club where people go for social gathering and seeking sexual reliefs, then "being respectful" is much a facade. Everyone knows sweet words and nice gestures are for a purpose only.
But say the two met in a library. Things went well and they ended their eventful day in a romantic restaurant having a candlelight dinner. I don't see anything wrong he asks for sex to crown the date.
Hence, "respectful" goes beyond the surface. The guy could be sincere and really attracted to you. But we can't tell until the "real" him is known.
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What Guys Said
Really attracted. Wanting sex isn't disrespectful unless you consider sex to be disrespectful. I guess in some cultures it is. If you were a virgin, it would seem a little disrespectful to me. But odds are that you aren't and that you've even had one night stands, so wanting sex isn't disrespectful.
00 Reply- 7 mo
He's really attracted to you, for sure. But he might also not respect you. It's tough to say without more information.
10 Reply 1.6K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. It could be either or a combination of both.
00 Reply- 7 mo
He's super horny, but yeah, he does find you attractive.
02 Reply- Asker7 mo
So a guy wouldn't ask for sex if he doesn't find you attractive?
- 7 mo
Not necessarily.
- 7 mo
Both. He's just horny and thinking about himself
10 Reply 3.3K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Doesn't respect you
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