How do you deal with a super lazy boyfriend? He sleeps all day, avoids work, and keeps pushing responsibilities aside. I love him, but his lack of ambition is driving me crazy. Should I wait for him to change or move on before I lose my mind? What would you do in my shoes?
- 11 d
You cannot force someone to change that only comes when someone genuinely wants to. You need to talk to him about how you feel but if you’re not happy maybe it’s best to break up on good terms.
For your own sake as well as his own. Maybe you’re not meant to be with one another. Because all that will happen is you’ll build bitterness, resentment, and eventually won’t even love him anymore especially if you end up married with kids.
01 Reply- 11 d
Also being in a one sided relationship is DRAINING. You have all the ambition. You pay for stuff. You plan the dates. You’re putting all this effort into him to get little to none in return. Not worth it.
Most Helpful Opinions
619 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Ohh come on really? You know the answer to this , he is a lazy lazy fck , he is not going to by some miracle " change " , get him outta there , he is dragging you down with him , he needs a live in mother..
" Cut Clean the dead wood " , its time to move on guy.
00 Reply
- 12 d
Bingo his a momma's boy. I bet Mommy did everything for him. His an adult and he needs to straighten himself up. No excuses.
00 Reply
327 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Has he always been like that? If so, I would move on because it is highly unlikely to change.
02 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- Anonymous(45 Plus)13 d
Ok I have to be honest here. At first I was thinking to myself move on, find someone else. But then I noticed your age. You’re going to have a challenge on your hand trying to find a man who will take you serious. Most men just want younger women. You’re not going to change this dude. If he’s the same age as you or older he’s pretty much set in his ways. If you start to push it’s going to turn into an argument. Continuing to be w him is showing him that you’ll accept him the way he is, which isn’t good.
10 Reply 694 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. This is a common problem. He is lazy because he knows you will always be there and accept it. Men like him will almost never change because they figure they've got a woman who will put up with them, and they always expect that. And a lot of times, the women already know he's like this but they choose the guy anyway thinking he can change or that she can change him.
You think you could wait for him to change, which is the problem, and he never will because you're there.
20 Reply- u13 d
At his age, if he wanted to change his behavior, he would have already done it, so. . . why do you expect him to change? That is one of the top mistakes that girls make in choosing a companion: select a guy who checcks enough of the boxes and then make him change the unacceptable parts.
10 Reply - 11 d
I see your age on here is 41 so I’m gonna assume that’s your real age and your partner is a similar age.
im sorry, but if a man is 40 years old and he STILL has no ambition or motivation then he’s never gonna gain it at this point…Although it’s possible he could be suffering with a mental health problem or condition that can cause this. Symptoms of depression or ADHD can be confused as “laziness.”
I’d have a serious conversation with him about it
00 Reply - 13 d
Woman's most common mistake. Expecting a man to change.
Men come the way they are. They are up front about it. Woman refuse to see or believe it.
If you do not like him how he is let him go.
11 Reply- 12 d
Women (I annoy myself with typos)
- 12 d
Is your boyfriend employed at all?
Has he been through something traumatic? Does he have a medical condition? Is he addicted to drugs?
Has he always been like this? Was he this lazy when you started dating him?
00 Reply This could be a couple things but with the limited context provide he sounds like a lazy bumb. That said it's also possible he has depression because these are some of the symptoms.
00 ReplyChange? Girl he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to, if you can't love him this way, yes indeed you must leave him.
00 Reply- 12 d
Has he had anything highly negative happen recently in his life or has he always been like this?
00 Reply - 12 d
Maybe introduce him to Dragon Ball Z, I think Goku actually has motivated real people to get off their asses. Despite the shit writing you gotta admit, that’s mad cool.
00 Reply - 11 d
He avoids work? So either he doesn’t have a job or he not show up? Might have depression. But I’m no therapist here. Something’s bugging him. But up to you to see what
00 Reply - 12 d
He probably doesn't have any incentive to not be lazy. Tell him to stop being lazy or no more sex
00 Reply 3.3K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. You are dating a loser. He isn't going to change and you are a fool for accepting that behavior
01 Reply- 11 d
Warn him and give him space to realise his purpose
00 Reply 736 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. People like that usually don’t change.
10 Reply- 12 d
He's not gonna change.. just move on.
00 Reply - 12 d
He's not likely to change.
00 Reply - 13 d
You can change him , politely.
01 Reply- 13 d
- 13 d
Why is your dumb ass still with him?
00 Reply - 13 d
Sex = money=love
10 Reply Move on he deserves better
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