I mean they know he is a loser and will never get anywhere in life but are still with them... why?
- 24 d
Some girls are losers themselves, but being a girl cancels out the loser part in the male mind. If she looks cute but can't hold a job and zero prospects in life, guys won't register that as being a loser.
Additionally, some girls like to sleep with losers if they're attractive enough because it seems fun/thrilling and they don't have to worry about long term commitment.
11 Reply- 20 d
Yes, especially if said loser has a cool job. Women, on the other hand, aren't generally seen as "losers" by men unless they're homely and/or promiscuous.
Most Helpful Opinions
Low self esteem mostly.
Just look at the replies you’re getting here
Some girls truly think they don’t deserve better even if a better option is in fact available.
But dating successful people when you’re not so yourself creates this pressure and a constant feeling of inadequacy.
So people date less successful people that way it’s equal grounds33 Reply- 24 d
Women are usually biologically/anatomically dependent on men for survival-to up their social hierarchy. Psychologically they innately desire a higher status man. The modern environment of infrastructure and social safety nets compounded with the new addition of online dating has created some strange new social situations regarding mating and mate selection.
Its still way more often that men marry down and one may surmise that many men marry-date too far down. And like you said, its due to self-esteem issues. I was born into a meat grinder for not only my body but my mind and spirit. I also rejected beautiful - the hottest women in high school even though I was on their level, mostly due to self-esteem issues. I figured since I was just “good” at foot ball or wrestling but I wasn’t in the top 5 only top ten or if I was the best in my weight class in my grade I wasn’t that good in the district, so I felt I wasn’t good enough. Serious cry-baby attitude. Petty as all hell. A lot of guys are like that, they’re born into poor families, were abused, etc so they feel like they aren’t good enough and actually might be envious against preppy/rich women they’d never marry one, they’ll sleep with them but never date or marry them. I see men mismatched with women all of the time. Its true, the beta provider mindset is real. Good looking but not rich means fun for now for both men and women. When I didn’t have money and I still had an okay hairline I was used this way and I honestly didn’t think I was good enough for a hot girl with a good job from a good family, they noticed it eventually the chad façade fell off, they usually didn’t care and weren’t actually “looking for something long term”.
- 24 d
Couple these experiences with divorces and family court drama that men go through and you have a lot of good men in their 20s and 30s that are afraid to approach attractive women who look like they have their shit together. Our avoidance of them shouldn’t be mistaken as us being poor or afraid of other men and life in general, its often a well founded and a hard learned tactic.
- 24 d
@Oncewildtwiceburned We may want women of somewhat lesser means, but not poor chicks unless they're babes.
What Girls & Guys Said
Oh, i thought you meant loser as in wimpy simps who has no spine and i was like "Does anyone into that" but now i see that you meant guys with no job.
Well sorry to break it to you mate but what girls looks is not money like some of you actually believe it to be, yes they look at money but once they look at money they don't look at the guy, your own money cucks you.
Girls look at power and power is not specific to a good financial state, street smart is a strenght too and most losers you mentioned are generally that, frivilous guys who just do what they want to.
İn short what you do Doesn't matter what matters is how do you see and carry yourself, if you feel like a loser you are a loser, if you feel like a champ you are a champ you don't need any reason, self-esteem should not come from an outside source, it should be just about yourself, feeling good because you have money and statue is not self-esteem it is just showing off and girls doesn't like show offs, they look weak like they have nothing else going on for them aside from their job,
what you have never should leave you in it's shadow. Like Tyler durden says, the things you own someday owns you, this is bad.
10 Reply1.5K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. I don't know if they realize that the guy is a loser when they start chatting one another up. It's something that comes out over time, and at that point there are choices to make -- fight or flight, you know? It's not usually super complicated.
SOME girls have low self esteem, though, and so they end up with losers because they can't see themselves clearly enough to know what they deserve. (Guys do this too, by the way. You ever seen a really sweet guy with the b*tchiest gal in town? But that's a grown man making his own choice to be with that lunatic...)
SOME folks (guys and gals alike) wouldn't know the difference between a good person and a hole in the wall, so there's also that factor to consider. Just move on when you see someone like that. There's no real talking to them. They have no taste.10 ReplyTbh i dated a guy a while back you would say he is a loser but what i said is he gave me all the love he could give and tried his best to make me happy and i did the same for him possible its better to not put people in a drawyer and just try to live with them how they are re-state//background_color_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0), font_color_rgb (77, 77, 77), justifyLeft
30 Reply- 24 d
people are attracted to other people... maybe some people you call losers have qualities that are attractive to someone... also... the definition of loser differs between people :D
30 Reply - 24 d
Just as most men don't much care about a woman's career, not all women care about a man's career either. Perhaps what you call a "loser", isn't a loser TO THEM. Someone with emotional intelligence and maturity doesn't have to fit your definition of a "winner". It's possible that YOU are considered a loser, by some. Materialism is not necessarily winning.
10 Reply - 24 d
Some "losers," especially musicians who've yet to become famous (and live in their car ala "Rock And Roll Band," the Boston hit), still have the sort of cool job which attracts lots of ladies, who also tend to go for handsome "bad boys."
20 Reply - 24 d
What is a loser is highly subjective. Narcissistic idiots that brag about their job/car 24/7 might have achieved something in life but have characters deep like a puddle.
You might see him as a loser but she has spent way more time with him and knows him better and sees something in him that you don't. Unless you want to date either of them it shouldn't matter
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)24 d
Typically, they lack strong male role models. They may have grown up with no father or had a very absent father. As a result, she has no idea what a quality man looks and acts like. So she is easily led by false bravado from some meat headed 💩 sack.
20 Reply - 24 d
Probably good in bed or has a big dick.. those were the only reasons I seen girls stay with losers.. or the girl is a loser too so they are in the same boat.
13 Reply- 24 d
Having a nice body and big dick aren’t enough to keep a hottie with a good job and from a good family.
If you aren’t rich and show it, you’re not good enough.
These guys complaining just see good attractive women with losers everywhere because they see them with guys who they know aren’t rich, they’re just sleeping with each other and pretending to date, neither of them really intend to stay with each other and they know it. Guy who don’t get any and are jealous think these women are being played when in reality it could be the complete opposite.
Or these guys see hot women are 25-32 with 45 year old rich guys, therefore “loser” cause “old”.
- 24 d
@Oncewildtwiceburned LOL my sister was with a loser who didn't work, clean or do anything besides smoke weed and play video games.. She had a full time job and supported them both since they were 18 until he finally went to college at 28 and is now a forest fire fighter.. I can only think it's because of sex because he is an asshole too 😂
- 24 d
Well she could be attached too, they got together when they were both young, hot the feelies and decided to commit, nothing wrong with that. I had a few willing to commit but I never even said we were dating to those. I was a dick, shouldn’t have been sleeping around with women I wasn’t even willing to call my girlfriend
25 dwe're all losers at some point... you can't always win, win, win...
and what if the girls are losing too... losers have a heart too, lmao10 Reply- 24 d
It's comfortable. Sometimes women also fall in love with men's potential, rather than the reality of who the men actually are.
20 Reply Why you care? You think they have lasting and genuine connection with a woman? If a woman choose to be with him - all i suggest you to tell her good luck :D
And ofcourse this
https://www.youtube.com/embed/W6vVwrfvPkY00 Reply- 25 d
Could be that we see something in the other person that you don’t because of labeling them as a “loser.”
20 Reply - 25 d
I'm a loser too, I didn't pass the exam I studied so hard for and now I'm unemployed, something's not going my way
20 Reply - 25 d
I am the Loser 🤡
No doubt about it 😁
All the Cool Boys don't want me
but damn they're so hot10 Reply - 24 d
Maybe besides being attractive, they can see what he could be or is about to be.
20 Reply 1.6K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Number one, because it’s so much fun for women to tease and frustrate a guy whom they know isn’t getting any, and two, will not retaliate angrily
01 Reply- 8 d
Finally, most guys who are publicly bullied by their vexing female counterparts secretly love what their tormentors do to them. I’ve called women a day or two later and said, ‘I hope it’s okay to tell you this, but I owe you lunch’
‘Why do you think you owe me lunch?
‘For being such a bitch to me last week…lol’
- 24 d
nobody is attracted to losers. you're just the one mistakenly thinking you're in charge of defining who's a loser. all that is, is your opinion and your opinion on this matters to nobody but you. so there you go. hope that was understandable.
10 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)23 d
Honestly… we choose losers because they can be molded. At least that’s what I think when it comes to my folks lol
10 Reply - 25 d
It's like fucking a guy who will never have feelings for you.
30 Reply - 24 d
No idea, but preferences are what they are. Rather than ponder them I just move on till I find one who fits mine and vice versa.
10 Reply 1.5K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Why would you expect every girl to have your standards?
20 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)24 d
Damn, really?
Where can I find such girls? :P
10 Reply To feel their ones with pose or their blind by the love.
11 Reply- 25 d
This is just the thing someone who's lost would think about
00 Reply - 24 d
I agree there should be laws making it illegal for ghetto and vagrant men to get dates, don't get cash get no ass, that's how it should be,
01 Reply- 24 d
Yeah, only successful men get all the women. That sounds like a great plan. Then one man can have up to 300 women at once. Brilliant.
- 23 d
we're all losers everyone of us will die
20 Reply they probably dont view them that way
20 ReplyBecause most girls are shallow and just want money and things handed to them
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)24 d
“I can fix himmmm!” 🤮
20 Reply They don’t realize they’re losers till too late
10 Reply- 24 d
Wdym by losers? How so
10 Reply - 24 d
Because they're losers themselves.
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)24 d
Hate their dad!
10 Reply - 24 d
What defines a loser?
10 Reply - 25 d
10 Reply 365 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Big dick?
00 Reply
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