8 things required to live a happy life

8 things required to live a happy life.

1. Try not to think everything is unfair: Yes life is unfair sometimes, but it is unfair to everyone at times. Focusing on how unfair your life is will only make you sad, depressed and angry. Instead focus on what is good in your life.

8 things required to live a happy life

2. Don't compare yourself to others: People that spend their life comparing themselves to others end up unhappy. What you do for a job, how modern or old your car or phone is or how much money you make is not what makes a good or bad person. Materialistic products don't make a good person, personality does! People that measure a person's importance based on materialistic things are not worth your time or effort in the first place.

8 things required to live a happy life

3. You can't please everyone: Everyone runs into unreasonable people. Not everyone will like you. There will be times people tell you off, criticize you, get angry with you and are mean or nasty to you. If you feel there is a point to what someone is saying it is far better to accept what they are saying and change yourself for the better. If someone is just being strait out mean or nasty to you remember that just because someone says something does not mean its true. This will only affect you in a negative way if you let it.

8 things required to live a happy life

4. Try to be positive rather than negative Remember being negative only causes you to get depressed, sad and upset. Try to focus on the positive outcomes of something rather than the negative ones.

8 things required to live a happy life

5. Remember everyone has bad experiences in the dating world: You may see people that are married or have a boyfriend or girlfriend but remember very few people meet the right person first time. Everyone has had bad experiences in the dating world and people that are married and in relationships still have problems at times. Married people and people with a boyfriend or girlfriend also experience their fair share of problems in their relationship at times. Don't let it make you bitter, if you become bitter you are only making it harder for yourself and you will drive people away from you.

8 things required to live a happy life

6. Remember you can't change the past: It is good to learn from past experiences to better yourself as a person but don't dwell on it. Dwelling on what you can't change will only result in depression, instead focus on your future.

8 things required to live a happy life

7. Bottling up feelings is not healthy: Remember people are not mind readers. They don't know exactly what you are thinking. If you don't communicate your feelings people have to try and guess how you are feeling and when people guess they can often be wrong in what they think is bothering you. It is ok to tell people how you feel but do it in a clam way. If your still angry or upset give yourself some time to cool off first.

8 things required to live a happy life

8. Don't overanalyze things: Overanalyzing things is very dangerous and usually assumptions you make in these situations are wrong. Try to accept what people say unless they give you reason not to and if something is bothering you then ask them.

8 things required to live a happy life


8 things required to live a happy life

8 things required to live a happy life
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