Your Health Your Greatest Wealth



Our body is a gift and we have the duty of taking proper care of it. With a healthy a body, we can achieve a lot. If there is a problem with our body it affects our wellbeing, productivity, Job and other issues. Sickness disrupts the normal activity of body, causing collapse of the immune system. It is in this light that we need to give proper attention to every details of your body. Our body is made up of a network of many activities. We receive signals of these activities from our brain and most times from our intuition. It when we ignore or miss-interpret these signals, that we are likely to face a health challenges. Please if you can’t understand the signal, get help from someone who does. These signals could take the form of pains, itching, swelling, body heat, indigestion, headache, nausea e.t.c.

Watch what you eat. It is true of the saying “we are what we eat”. The fresher the food, the more nutrition our body derives from it. Avoid fatty, sugary, and salty foods. Figuratively, the human body can be compared to that of an engine. An engine driven on the wrong fuel will definitely break down or malfunction. The same thing applies when an engine is over used or over worked. This confirms the statement that what you put in is what you get: “garbage in, garbage out”. Give your body the best, and you will surely get the best. The body survives on balanced nutrients, it the fuel that drives the body. So each time you pick up something to eat, first consider the nutritional content.

Eat more of fruits, vegetables, and proteins at the right proportion, and always avoid excess. Water or a cup of herbal tea is a good daily starter; water flushes the system getting rid of the leftovers. Herbal tea cleanses the system (detoxification) thus boosting immunity (the body’s ability to fight disease). Other functions of herbal tea includes, assisting digestion, anti-cancer, helps in weight loss, lowering blood pressure and refreshing the body. Remember, if you can’t get enough nutrition from your food, then look for food supplements that can complement your dietary intake. There is also need for physical activity (exercise). You don’t need to put the whole gym on yourself, a daily walk with some fresh air is enough, you don’t need to look like someone else, be yourself. The key thing here is to improve blood circulation, stimulate the muscles, and the joints, while making the body sweat, hence getting rid of toxins. Make out time to relax; in as much as the body needs activity, it also needs relaxation to create a balance. Finally, learn to be in the right state of mind.Most illnesses arise from the mind; avoid anger, hatred, and un-forgiveness because these lead to sicknesses of different forms. Hold on to those things that make you happy.

Your Health Your Greatest Wealth
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