How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight


First of all, if you want to lose weight, then you have to do it for good reasons. Doing it for bad reasons can decrease your motivation and confidence in yourself. A bad reason to lose weight is to appease the people around you, especially the people who make cruel comments and jokes about your weight. It's a bad reason, because such people will never be satisfied by the way you look and will always expect more of you to the point that you will lose your own self-dignity as a human being. In this day and age, too many women are bombarded with images in the mass media about the ideal woman with the perfect body, even though this image is unachievable through natural means. (I think my attachment to my parents has made me a bit immune to the mass media's deleterious effects, as I have never had a real eating disorder, and I always eat a wide range of food.)

A good reason to lose weight is to manage a disease/condition you already have or prevent a disease/condition that you are going to have due to your family history and genes. Make sure that you are losing weight for the right reasons! That's the only way to lose weight safely and keep it off for life. I believe that obesity is a disease, and like many chronic diseases, it can be cured with food, not pharmaceutical drugs.

How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

In order to lose weight, you want to focus on LONG-TERM goals. You need a diet that can last you for LIFE. This diet must bring you all the nutrients to live a long life and see your children and grandchildren. This diet must be traditional, meaning that you will pass down this lifestyle to your descendants. Why do so many fad diets fail? So many fad diets fail, because they are lacking in nutrient(s) or they are focused on the individual's vanity instead of lifelong well-being.

1. Avoid ALL Processed Foodstuffs
How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

Processed foodstuffs tend to have excessive amounts of sugar, food coloring, food additives, and food preservatives. The food is made to look good and taste good and be convenient at the expense of nutrients. To control more of what you eat, it is best to avoid as much processed foodstuffs in your diet as possible, even the so-called "healthy" or "low-fat" ones. Something that is low in fat may be high in sugar for flavor, and such high levels of sugar are detrimental to health, overriding any nutrient benefit out of it.

2. Avoid ALL Kinds of Added Sugar
How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

You can find added sugar in anything these days, especially in processed foodstuffs. You can find it in sauces, condiments, "healthy fruit snacks", "fruit juices", packaged entrees, restaurant food, fast food, etc. To avoid any kind of added sugar, it is best to read the Nutrition Facts label. If you recognize a form of sugar on the label or see something you don't know how to pronounce, then it's best to avoid buying that product.

3. Do Manual Housework
How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

It takes a lot of energy and time to do manual housework. Instead of using the dishwasher, clean the dishes manually. My mother used to say that "dishwashers don't have eyes". She means that a dishwasher can't tell whether the dishes are actually clean. Only humans have eyes and know where the grease and grimes are. So, if you wash the dishes by hand, the dishes will be clean, and you get your dose of physical activity. After using a paper napkin to wipe your mouth, you may wet the napkin, wring it dry, spread it out, and place it on the floor. Then, you use your feet to polish the floors clean. Another work-out right there. Gardening (including tilling the soil, pulling weeds, carrying buckets of water to the plants, and harvesting the fruits of your labor) and mowing the grass are also big energy-consumers. With proper housekeeping of your own home, you don't need to give yourself a specific time to do mindless exercising!

4. Detoxify
How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

It is important to remove the toxins from your former diet. You may consume aloe vera leaves or mung bean soup. The flesh of aloe vera may be too bitter to handle, so I'd highly recommend mung bean soup. Please do not add sugar of any variety in the mung bean soup, because added sugar is something you want to avoid. It is a toxin.

5. Eat Until You Are Full But Not Uncomfortable
How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

You should eat until you are full. Just not uncomfortably full. If you feel like you have to vomit, then you likely have eaten too much. Learn from the experience, so you would know how much food you can handle next time.

6. If You Live With Someone, Learn How To Share Food
How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

If you live with someone, you may be inclined to hog all the delicious and better-tasting food. Yeah, I know steamed eggs are very tasty. Because it's so tasty, you may want to suggest it to your eating pal who is sitting right next to you. That way, the eating experience will be a more social, communal experience. This can give more time for your brain to react and tell you that you are full. That way, you can eat less and be full.

7. Calories Are Not Bad; Never Count Calories
How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

Calories are not bad things. You need calories, because they are essentially energy. Without energy, you cannot do tasks that require energy. Counting calories takes the assumption that calories are bad, and that you should consciously limit the amount of calories. I do not believe you have to consciously limit amount of calories by counting calories. You can just eat until you feel satiated. Counting calories may give off unnecessary anxiety about food.

8. Do Not Use Food To Heal Emotional Pain
How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

Whatever stress we have can have a negative effect on eating patterns. If you are feeling sad, then you should not eat to fill that void. You wouldn't be able to tell when you'd be full and so you may overeat the food accidentally.

9. Focus On Holistic Wellness
How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight

I believe that healthy eating habits are the manifestations of a healthy mind, body, and soul. Instead of narrowing down to calories in and calories out all the time, I think more people should take health holistically and improve all facets of everyday life instead of focusing on one part. I believe that people are naturally beautiful when they are healthy, so I reject make-up, form-fitting clothes, perfume, jewelry, and pharmaceutical drugs. Let food be your medicine. If other people reject that, then that's their problem, not yours.

How To Lose Excess Weight Safely, If You Are Overweight
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