What The Colour of Your Urine Says about your health

What The Colour of Your Urine Says about your health

How much attention do we pay to our bodies? Do we go after the things of life and forget about the tools(body) that is necessary to achieve the desired goals? Yes our body is not the ultimate but in as much as we are alive we need to take good care of it in order for it to serve us well. The Creator is so wonderful that nothing happens without a warning. Before anything goes wrong in the body there is always a warning sign. But most times we ignore these signs, these could be in the form of headache, itching, swelling, pain, etc. Try and trace the signs, sometimes intuition could help, but if not convince please seek medical help. Nothing is as good as knowing your body and understanding the various signals it sends. The body is a natural tool, and therefore needs natural therapy. Over reliance on strong drugs always have a negative effect on the body. Most of these strong drugs fight against the body cells, thereby disrupting the normal functionality of the body.

What The Colour of Your Urine Says about your health
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