Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

It is time to bury the idea that women are the weaker sex where it belongs, in the past. Modern research shows that women are not the weaker sex. In fact, women hold significant advantages over men when it comes to physical strength and overall fitness capabilities because of the fact that they are women.

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

Muscle growth in men and women is the same.

Despite men having 15 times more testosterone [1], women actually have a higher protein synthesis than men, which is crucial for building muscle mass and strength, but the relative strength and muscle mass between men and women is about the same [2]. The difference is that men have higher starting mass and size. neither age nor gender affects muscle volume response to whole-body ST [3].

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

Male and female differences in sports are not a good comparison for men and women in society.

1. The differences in athletic competitions between men and women have long since been used an argument for male superior physical capabilities but these differences do not represent the differences between men and women in society. In this study [4] trainees were given a placebo of Dianabol (anabolic steroids) which increased their strength gains with 321% whereas the trainees that were given the actual Dianabol of of the same dosage increased only a couple percentages [5], so if placebo steroids can increase your strength gains with 321%, what do you think will happen if you tell women they have 15 times less testosterone than men? They will simply not try as hard as men do, if they even try at all that is.

2. Its actually harder for men to be elite athletes than it is for women because there are more male candidates to become elite athletes than there are female candidates to become elite athletes [6], this means that the male elite athletes are the absolute best of the best our species has to offer thus making elite male athletes generally more elite than elite female athletes, however the average Joe and average Jane are not elites, both also have equal muscle mass and size. If there would be the same amount of female candidates to become female elite athletes are there are male elite athletes both men and women would be able to compete with one another without any problem.

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

Conclusion: Social conditioning is a bigger factor for perceived male superior physical capabilities than elite male athletes ever will be, and due to disproportion of female and male candidates for elite athleticism male physical athletes are actually more elite, but science shows time and time again the average person, regardless of gender is about equal in muscle size and strength.

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

Testosterone means almost nothing for muscle mass between genders.

In individuals more T means more muscle mass, but since testosterone is not even needed in females to build muscles [7], its not that much of a factor. “The difference in lean body mass is sufficient to account for the observed differences in strength and aerobic performance seen between the sexes without the need to hypothesize that performance is in any way determined by the differences in testosterone levels.” [8] What is however a factor in muscle growth in women, and you are not going to like it... Contraceptives. Female hormonal based contraceptives stunt female muscle growth. [9]

Growth hormone also determines muscle growth capabilities, women produce 3 times more growth hormone than men [10]. This explains why women's lack of testosterone does not stunt female muscle growth. It is not the amount of hormones which determines muscle growth, its how your genes interact with them. [11]

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

Women hold 4 advantages over men when it comes to muscle growth.

Estrogen is often looked upon as the bad guy when it comes to hormones, but actually it gives women significant advantages.

1) Estrogen aids muscle repair. [12]

2) Estrogen is anti-catabolic (meaning that it prevents muscle loss). [13]

3) Estrogen has anabolic effects (meaning that it build muscle mass). [14]

4) Estrogen increases metabolism. [15]

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

Women should train differently than men.

The reason why we don't see as much muscular women is because they train just like men. Women should actually be training differently than men since their biological and physiological differences. If more women would design their work outs around their female body and its strengths, instead of copying workout plans designed around the male body and its strengths women would actually be able to compete with men in sports. Its true that untrained men are stronger than untrained women, but when both are at elite athlete level, they are equally in strength. this means that women are not the weaker sex. It is just that society keeps telling them they are, which leads them to believe they are. Women have accepted their position as weaker sex, and some have even exploited this position.

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

It is unethical to say that women are the weaker sex in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence proving this statement wrong time and time again.

With this evidence for your convenience here collected that women are not the weaker sex, and still to say that women are the weaker sex; is to say that you want women to be the weaker sex. Whether you are a man wanting women to be the weaker sex due to beliefs of male physical supremacy, or a woman wanting women to be weaker sex simply because its convenient. It is unethical to keep this position on women and physical fitness.

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex

Why women do not live up to their potential.

* Even at Olympic level there are less female participants [16]

* Most women don't have a serious lifting regimen.

* Social expectations of women are different. Many people find women who are very muscular ugly, this prevents the vast majority of women from achieving their maximum potential.

* Women who break through the stigma often use an exercise regimen for men.

* Contraceptives do hinder muscle growth in women that work out. [17]

* Some women shame these fitness queens because they are millions of times hotter than the average women, this may prevent women from working out as hard.

* Some women are just too lazy.


[1] https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003707.htm

[2] https://www.fasebj.org/content/23/2/631?ijkey=61cab85d37cad7f234aaaa9d66139b71d586b8f0&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha

[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11890579?dopt=Abstract

[4] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232171854_Anabolic_steroids_The_physiological_effect _of_placebos

[5] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1859222/

[6] https://www.ncaapublications.com/productdownloads/PR1314.pdf

[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18390925

[8] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cen.12445/abstract

[9] https://www.fasebj.org/content/23/1_Supplement/955.25.short

[10] https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-abstract/81/7/2460/2875537/An-amplitude-specific-divergence-in-the-pulsatile?redirectedFrom=fulltext

[11] https://jme.endocrinology-journals.org/content/44/1/55.short

[12] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-013-0081-6

[13] https://journals.lww.com/acsm-essr/Abstract/2014/10000/Influence_of_Sex_and_Estrogen_on_Musculotendinous.7.aspx

[14 ]https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4614-8630-5_3

[15] https://jap.physiology.org/content/early/2015/08/27/japplphysiol.00473.2015?papetoc=

[16] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17461391.2014.911354

[17 ]https://www.fasebj.org/content/23/1_Supplement/955.25.short

PS. I find these women extremely hot.

PSS. All pictures are stolen from Instagram.

Why Women are Not the Weaker Sex
51 Opinion