4 Reasons You Can't Stand Upright


We can't stand upright and we hunch our back without even realizing. And this leads to many healthy problems. But what prevents us? Actually there is not only one reason, there are many reasons behind it. Here are the reasons why you can't stand upright:

1. Daily habits

4 Reasons You Can't Stand Upright

Don't forget the following saying:

A river cuts through rock not because of its power but because of its persistence

If you hunch your back along the day, your body will get use to it and your back will become hump by time. So you should recognize it and change your posture.

We can also put tall people in th,s group as they look down while talking with the people that are shorter than them. And they have a poor posture.

2. Technologic devices

4 Reasons You Can't Stand Upright

Technologic devices are everywhere in our life. Especially phones, we use them day and night. They are not only bad for our eyes but also for our posture. Because most of the time we have a bad posture while using our phone or pc.

Our shoulders turn inside without realizing and as I said before after some time this bad posture becomes permenant. And we can't stand upright even we want to.

3. Muscle imbalance

4 Reasons You Can't Stand Upright

This is seen especially on those who work out without knowing what to do. Some people only work for their chest and don't do anything for their back. And this leads imbalanced muscles by deranging. So you must work all your muscles.

4. Weak back muscles

4 Reasons You Can't Stand Upright

The most important problem is not having strong back muscles. You try to stand upright, but after sometime your muscles can't hold your body anymore and you have a bad posture.

That's why you must strengthen your back muscles and core.

4 Reasons You Can't Stand Upright
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