Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress

Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress

1) Exercise

Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress
Exercise not only has physical benefits, but it can also help to maintain mental fitness as well.Exercise produces endorphins (brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which are secreted within the brain and nervous system). Endorphins are feelgood chemicals that produce a response to certain stimuli, especially stress . Exercise provides an endorphin rush ,which causes positive feelings during and after exercising. Therefore, exercise can reduce stress levels by elevating and stabilizing your mood. It also enhances overall cognitive function, reduces tension, improves alertness and concentration.Taking time out to exercise serves as an outlet for frustrations, and provides a distraction from stressful situations in your daily life .

2) Eat Healthy

Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress

Your diet and nutrition choices can make your stress levels go up or down.Certain foods can increase or decrease cortisol levels in your body- Cortisol is a primary stress hormone released by the adrenal glands ,which helps your body deal with stressful situations.This natural hormone in the body naturally fights stress.

Foods that reduce stress

Dairy foods with calcium and added vitamin D can help muscles relax and stabilize mood.

Omega-3 fatty acids.

Fruits - especially citrus fruits.Including strawberries ,grapefruits, and oranges.


Nuts - pistachios in particular can reduce stress levels.

Herbs - these have a relaxing effect on their own . Lavender and chamomile are great de-stressers.

Healthy carbohydrates - these can produce more serotonin - a chemical in the body that can regulate your mood, and reduce stress. A few examples of healthy carbohydrates are: sautéed vegetables; whole-grains;sweet potato ; rice ; minestrone soup; barley; whole-wheat bread.

Superfoods - these are foods that provide vital nutrients, antioxidants; minerals, good fats ;vitamins and healthy enzymes. Examples of suprerfoods are:salmon.;flaxseeds.kale;almonds;broccoli;blueberries;strawberries; greek yogurt and oatmeal


Processed foods - anything that isn't natural, has preservatives, or ready made meals

White flour products -white flour, found in white bread and pastries

Refined sugars

High-fat foods - these can make you feel lethargic and less able to deal with stress

Fat-laden carbohydrates

3) Avoid/Reduce Your Caffeine, Alcohol, and Nicotine Intake

Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress


Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress

Caffeine can be found in many different types of foods and beverages i.e coffee; tea; energy drinks; hot chocolate; some soft drinks and even some name just a few.Caffeine inhibits the calming neurotransmitters in the brain ,and affects the body much like stress.It acts as a stimulant by activating the central nervous system which can significantly increases anxiety. It can lead to a rapid heartbeat , increased blood pressure and produces high levels of stress hormones. Because caffeine consumption makes the body act as if it is under constant stress, this combination of real stress with the artificial boost in stress hormones that caffeine produces, can considerably make stress levels even higher


Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress

Alcohol is a depressant.The use of alcohol impairs the brain’s ability to deal with stress, because it interferes with the neurotransmitters in the brain that are needed for good mental health.It slows down the brain and the central nervous system's processes,making stress harder to deal with. The effects can raise the heart rate and blood pressure, and increase the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone). So alcohol can actually prolong feelings of tension brought on by stress. Alcohol ,like caffeine, is dehydrating and can interfere with sleep patterns,and sleep deprivation can increase stress levels.


Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress
Nicotine, contributes to the increase of stress levels ,because it interacts with the bodies natural stress hormone release - Cortisol .Smoking increases blood pressure and the heart rate , blood vessels become constricted, muscles become tense, and less oxygen is available to the body and brain to facilitate healthy coping skills.Anxiety ,tension and irritability develops during nicotine depletion.So the intake of Nicotine ,causes the body to actually experience increased stress levels

4) Learn To Say No

Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress

It's important to be selective about what you take on .Refuse to take on more than you can handle. Some stressors are beyond your control ,but you are not not required to fulfill every request people ask you to do.If you always say "yes" it will unnecessarily add to your load, and it will leave you feeling overwhelmed.Sacrificing your own time will eventually lead to high levels of stress and exhaustion.
Saying " no" at times is a good start to controlling your stress levels

5) Music

Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress

Music can be very therapeutic , and it's extremely effective for stress management . Listening to music can have a relaxing effect on your mind and body .It acts as a distraction , because it absorbs your attention .It calms your mind while at the same time it helps to explore emotions.Music can lower your ​​​blood pressure, slow down your pulse and heart rate,as well as decrease stress hormone levels. Music with an upbeat tempo can improve concentration and alertness , which can make you feel optimistic and more positive.Slow music can relax your muscles, and put you in a meditative state to create a sense of calmness

6) Have Some "Me Time"

Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress

Self-care is essential for happiness .So it's vital to take a step back from your life ,and set aside some regular quality "me time".Give yourself love by spending time with" yourself ".Take time away from your usual daily life and routine . Spend time doing the things you really enjoy. Whatever that may be. Indulge yourself,and focus entirely on yourself and mental wellbeing.Incorporating more "me time" into your life will give you time to be recharged,and it will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated ,because it's spent time focusing on only you .


Stress Management: 6 Ways To Alleviate Stress
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