Suicide Prevention. When then "talk" just isn't the "talk"

Suicide Prevention. When then

Hey Folks *comes out from his mounds of paperwork*

The talk of "suicide" has been in the news a lot, as today with Anthony Bourdain, and Kate Spade. The talk and outreach is paramount.

What are the warning signs:

Appearing depressed or sad most of the time.
(Untreated depression is the number one cause for suicide.)

Talking or writing about death or suicide.

Withdrawing from family and friends.

Feeling hopeless.

Feeling helpless.

Feeling strong anger or rage.

Feeling trapped -- like there is no way out of a situation.

Experiencing dramatic mood changes.

Abusing drugs or alcohol.

Exhibiting a change in personality.

Acting impulsively.

Losing interest in most activities.

Experiencing a change in sleeping habits.

Experiencing a change in eating habits.

How do you prevent suicide?

Suicide Prevention. When then

Talk to someone. Be there for someone. Notice the signs and symptoms.

Suicide Prevention. When then
Suicide Prevention. When then "talk" just isn't the "talk"
12 Opinion