Diets Suck, Drop It!!


How many times, you are out dining with friends and you hear this...

I can't eat , I am on a diet!!

And you are then trying to get them to eat with you, many times they give up!

The reason is, you push your self over the limit and deprive yourself suddenly from the food you are used to your entire life, that is hard for sure and you need to work around your diet and gradually you can take out the unwanted food from your diet. It is hard but you always can find a way. First I will share this video, it is the general idea here:

If you get this, and understand it then you can apply it to any meal you want to cheat on.

Now I will suggest many tips that I use to keep my food clean:

1. No mayonnaise and try to use less sauces

Mayo must go off the team, sorry !
Mayo must go off the team, sorry !

Mayonnaise, I used to be addicted to it, any meal I would eat it. I would eat it alone if I could, but now I cut it off entirely, or if I will use it, I will put a little bit. Usually it is used in all fast food so that is a big change if you cut it off.

2. Meat over bread

If you can so no to cheese , that would be a miracle lol
If you can so no to cheese , that would be a miracle lol

Whenever I want to eat a burger, I make sure my meal has more protein and value than being a junk food. You are eating bad, make it better, yes it makes a difference and apply this to chicken sandwiches too and anything.

3. Cola and soda drinks

Even the toilet would say no to it
Even the toilet would say no to it

I know this is hard, but it is good for your health in the long run. You can't deny yourself the sweet tastes of it, but you can't either deny how many studies found how bad it is for health. Start drinking less, don't buy the big can, buy the smallest. And no, Diet Coke is much worse than the regular one.

It is bad, really bad !
It is bad, really bad !

Try to drink juice (sugar free is better) and water more, it is a habit and you can get used to it.

4. Cut off Sugar, and stop being so sweet ;)

Sugar everywhere
Sugar everywhere

This was my major issue, I used to put Five to Seven spoonfuls of sugar in my morning coffee, and whenever I drink something hot I put at least three spoonfuls in it, tea or anything else. My advice is to always take one spoon off before your pour the water, always feel the guilt of putting too much sugar, don't worry you can live without sugar (and you would get it from fruits ) so you will stay sweet as always.

5. Low Fat milk over coffee cream

The baby has it right !
The baby has it right !

This is a good advice, don't put cream in your coffee. It is not good, it's full of fat and low in protein (And it is okay if you drink black, just don't use cream ), try to fill half the cup or two thirds of low fat milk instead, you will get a better taste and you will have 3-5 Grams of protein, Calcium too in your morning coffee.

6. Go nuts on mixed nuts, healthy mixed nuts (unsalted and non roasted ones)

You have the premonition to go nuts
You have the premonition to go nuts

It is always fun to eat nuts, you will be eating something out of the usual meat and veggies. As for their benefits you will get the good carbs and fat out, but for nuts I may make a MyTake for this only, I am nuts.

All of these and more, if you are really determined to stay healthy for life, you have to find your way around to keep it amusing and doable. Most of us aren't professional athletes that have the time and money to get what they want in a healthy way, so try your best and find your way to keep going as I did.

Diets Suck, Drop It!!
28 Opinion