The Fit, The Fat and The Diet (why diets are bad)

Diets: diets are a short term plan of weight loss usually following a rule or principle to achieve this ex: keto, Atkins, dash, etc

The Fit, The Fat and The Diet (why diets are bad)

So why are counting calories bad. Well the root of many diets is counting calories. Counting calories is a short term plan of going into a hypo caloric state given the term diet. Counting calories doesn’t teach you how to live and lead a healthy lifestyle which is needed to stay fit and healthy for the rest of your life. (Hypo means less while hyper means more. Ex hypothermia means less temperature, so hypo caloric means less calories)

The Fit, The Fat and The Diet (why diets are bad)

So are diets bad? My answer is yes because you are counting calories and aren’t learning how to live and lead a healthy lifestyle so long term you can stay healthy. You end up with a short term of counting calories and diets. ( calorie:the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C)

The Fit, The Fat and The Diet (why diets are bad)

What is a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle is eating healthy, living healthy and exercising. So what does that mean? Well it means to eat Whole Foods (not overly processed foods), cut back on refined sugar and alcohol, start taking care of yourself plus others around you and lastly taking care of your body. Many people can maintain a good weight or fat percentage for their whole lives with a healthy lifestyle. So how do you do that? Well on the extreme end means CUTTING OUT REFINED SUGARS, fake sugar (aspartame kind of stuff), honey, maple syrup, fruit juices, etc. It means eating more than WHOLE FOODS and making food yourself instead of buying it from a restaurant. It means taking care of yourself. Diets won’t teach you long term as they are meant to be quick and short term, not anything that you could do in a long term lifestyle.

The Fit, The Fat and The Diet (why diets are bad)
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