5 Quick Facts About Diabetes


5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

Ok so this is for @GoodGuyBreakingBad

"I like to see one written about people who live day by day with dealing with Diabetes i believe that is something we all need to be aware of more."

Well, fortunately I don't have diabetes but that unfortunately won't help me in writing this my take. However, I do have my dad and grandfather and they gave me a little fuel so I am going to use that to write this my take for you.

and considering my source, this will be written in a male perspective but I would welcome a female version of this and/or another male day by day my take.

So I don't have a day by day dealing with Diabetes but I got major topics that come up between my dad and my grandfather. I have been able to pull together 5 major ones so here they are.

1. You need to check those glucose levels!

5 Quick Facts About Diabetes
5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

My grandfather gets on my dad all the time! Did you check your blood sugar? and my dad kind of does a Tim the Toolman Taylor grunt and a shy smile. "Not as much as I should" Is always the reply. I could not imagine having to poke my skin with a needle everyday to take a test. I hate needles and that would be a nightmare I would have to relive every single day. But it's better then ending up like poor Shelby

I guess this involves taking Insulin which I have not heard them talk about much of yet but i'm sure if Shelby had been checking her levels she might have caught this before it happened....

But yeah, poking yourself with a needle is just another day for someone blessed with diabetes.

2. You don't have to worry about shaving your legs

5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

According to this article

Does Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?


They said " Hair usually goes through three phases. During the active growing phase, which lasts for two years or more, hairs grow at a rate of 1 to 2 cm per month. Hair then goes into a resting phase, which lasts for about 100 days. After this phase, some of the resting hair falls out.

Diabetes can interrupt this process, slowing down your hair growth. Having diabetes can also cause you to lose more hair than usual. That hair loss isn’t only on your head. You can lose hairs on your arms, legs, and other body parts, too."

All that to say, that my dad's not the only one with this problem and that was one the main things he complained about at the start of his diabetes discovery. Not too much to say about this. But it does make you feel like less of a man when you start losing hair from various places on your body.

3. Diabetes can leave you on unsolid ground or Dizzy on Diabetes

5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

According to another article

Diabetes Symptoms > Dizziness


"Because diabetes is such a diverse disease with many complications, it can cause dizziness in many ways by affecting different parts of the body." For example "Low blood pressure", "Dehydration", "Hypoglycemia", and "Certain medications"

I asked my dad about troubles he had and according to him this was one of them. I am sure dizziness comes with old age to some extent, getting up too fast for example. But diabetes playing a role in making this even worse is not a welcome friend. I was not able to get specifics in the brief conversation I had with my dad but he really seemed to say that it gave him a run for his money.

4. Bleeding problems....

5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

I have not been able to find too much information on this but both my dad and grandfather complain that their blood is too thin and they bleed real easily. After research, I have to assume that they are both on blood thinners to some extend as Diabetes tends to thicken the blood. But they have stated many a shaving war story and it's almost an opening conversation with my dad "I got myself bleeding again while shaving" (takes off tissue) "Dam, it's still bleeding!" Either way, diabetes and blood don't seem to be close friends and one things for sure, they don't tend to help each other or the body they represent.

5. The Diabetes Diet

5 Quick Facts About Diabetes
5 Quick Facts About Diabetes
5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

I have heard both my dad and my grandfather talk about cutting back on the sweets but I am sure there is much more than that. and judging from this pictures, I think I am right. My grandfather also scolds my father on eating told much sweets. But my dad's excuse is always the same "I've got a bad case of cotton mouth!" My grandfather tends to follow the diet, thanks mainly to his girlfriend/practically wife (although they are not married because they do not want to go through all the trouble). But my dad has trouble acknowledging it and sticking to it. Although, I have to be honest, I don't always help him, we are so used to eating sweets together that I find myself slipping with him. But I have to start being his own gauge and prompting him to go for the stuff he can eat and help him to avoid the things he can't.

Well, that's what I got, I hope you got something out it @GoodGuyBreakingBad

So during a post you noted this "I think after i reach Master on GAG i am leaving for good !!!"

I wanted to give you a proper send off. First I wanted to acknowledge

That you were always kind and considerate and always provided great feedback

every time without fail

"Thank You For Most Helpful Guy :)" and you really deserved it! You have really detailed posts and they show that you really care for people.

I also wanted to remind you what people said about you in your last question

I thought it would be good to hear from all the people you have touched in your time at Gag

@Whatthefluff - "Awww I'll miss you"

@PrincessPie - "No, please don't leave. I always lovely having you around and would be sad if you left"

@BronzedAdonis "I value your input and wish that you stick around"

@peachblossomluck "I really like you and surely lots of other people do too"

@BellaIsQueen "I think it's cool to have you around." "come back around when you're missing us."

@Kandy-Kane "Nonononono!!"

and I hope this post, will give you a couple more!

5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

You are and were a great asset to this site and I personally am thankful for all the time you have invested here with us!

5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

5 Quick Facts About Diabetes
5 Quick Facts About Diabetes

Update: There's a gagger @AbdKilani that is drawing support for you, although I am sure you will catch that when you login later today G@G ers , can you help me?
5 Quick Facts About Diabetes
12 Opinion