Why Is Society and the Media Promoting Obesity?

Why Is Society and the Media Promoting Obesity?

Being someone who knows people who have gone from obese and overweight to healthy and fit/toned, I know its achievable.

But how society and the media are basicaly promoting obesity and being overweight is giving people, mostly girls, an excuse to be lazy and unhealthy (not exercise, not eat healthy, etc.).

Does this look healthy to you?
Does this look healthy to you?

In fact, in essence they're condoning obesity and saying that being unhealthy can be beautiful. Those are girls are all beautiful, but being obese/overweight does not make them so; instead it makes them very unhealthy, causing a lot of problems (Type 2 Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, Fatty Liver disease, Kidney disease, etc.) for them and for those closest to them. And to be honest, being obese and overweight (being unhealthy) definitely detracts from the person's outward beauty/handsomeness (significantly when being obese). To me, that person comes across as if they don't care about themselves/their body and that they're more prone to being lazy.

Why Is Society and the Media Promoting Obesity?

Why Is Society and the Media Promoting Obesity?
Why Is Society and the Media Promoting Obesity?

I know being healthy is not a piece of cake, but it's worth it. I myself am currently undertaking an exercise challenge which will hopefully help me get in shape like Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman).

Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman)
Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman)

Gal Gadot working out
Gal Gadot working out

It is possible for anyone to be healthy and get in shape.

Its rare that some people have a disease (such as Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)) where they can't lose weight, I get that, and they can try to get help from a doctor, etc. But for the majority of people, be the best you can be: be healthy! Please, for the well being of you and those you love!

Here are some links to medical articles on the dangers of obesity and being overweight:



And here are some links to help those who are obese or overweight to get healthy and in shape (didn't mean to rhyme there 😜):




I must point out that someone can be skinny-fat. That means that they are not overweight, but they are at a high risk of having health problems (mostly heart issues) because they do not exercise, or exercise enough, as well as eat healthy.

Here are some easy, at home exercises to help you stay in shape:



And I know for the most part it's a lot easier for guys to lose weight and get fit, but girls, don't give up! It's possible for anyone to be healthy and fit. Stay the course and never give up, and you will see that it is totally worth it.


If anyone is interested in more in depth exercise tips/advice, or any other health tips/advice, feel free to let me know and I can make a post about one or some of those.

Why Is Society and the Media Promoting Obesity?
Post Opinion