What it's Like Living With Anxiety Disorder


This myTake is about living with anxiety. And I don't mean day to day anxiety that people have sometimes I mean people with anxiety disorders. I have an anxiety disorder so I'm gonna tell you how it's like.

What it's Like Living With Anxiety Disorder

1. Always questioning the situation

If you have anxiety disorder you will often question a situation. And not in a normal way like I wonder how this meeting will go I haven't slept well. It's more like should I text hi or hey. Why hasn't he answered yet? Why did he just text hi back. Doesn't he wanna talk?


Should I say hi now or wait a couple of seconds when I walk by, did I look weird now. Did I do something wrong?

2. Over analyzing situations

This is something we do especially when it comes to people's behaviors. For example, why did she respond that way? Is he mad at me? Does he still want me? (Overthinking).

3. Panic attacks

Panic attacks are serious. And people can experience them differently for me I used to get really dizzy I couldn't see clearly and I couldn't breath. I started sweating and my heart was going up. I heard stuff more clearer. Kinda like this but not that mush movie stuff but mine was pretty similar:

(The first minute is enough)

There are many different types of panic attacks some people even black out and some just get sweaty with a heart that beats faster.

Now I used to get panic attacks for "no" reason I could be laying in bed and just get it without thinking of something that would worry me. People can get it from no where (darling with traumas you aren't aware of at the moment) or something that will happened or that you think about what IF this happens.

This is to clarify the difference between normal anxiety and people with anxiety disorders. Because many people don't know the difference and think they have anxiety because they just overthink sometimes. And of course this isn't for everyone and there are different levels and kinds of anxiety.

Anxiety usually comes from traumas but can probably come from other stuff too.

What it's Like Living With Anxiety Disorder
36 Opinion