My experience of depression and how I overcame it


Disclaimer: Before I start, I recognise that depression is unique to each person and it can be caused by a wide variety of factors. I am simply sharing my experience and how I overcame it, but it does not mean that that would work for someone else. There are so many factors that can lead someone to develop depression and there are many factors in a person's recovery.

My experience of depression and how I overcame it

If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.

― Lao Tzu

It is only in hindsight that I can appreciate the relevancy of this quote. After studying mental illness for almost a year as part of my degree, it has really opened my eyes to the different perspectives of mental illness. It is what lead me to the above quote and I felt like it couldn't have been more true in my situation.

I appreciate that it is very simplified view of mental illness and it almost blames the person, but your view on life is a big factor in mental illness and I feel like that was what lead me to develop depression.

Being focused on the past and having a very negative view of life did not come out of the blue. It was triggered by a bad break up. A relationship that I probably put way too much hope on being successful. I had the hope that he was the one and he was the light in the darkness I'd experienced up until I met him. So when he cheated on me, that light and hope vanished. I was left in the dark again and become a very distressed and hateful person. It was around this time that I was bullied by people I thought were my friends which made the whole situation worse.

The immense distress lead me down a pattern of thinking, a continuous cycle telling me that all men were bad, my life had been a total misery, I'd been treated badly by everyone I'd met etc (there have been so many bad events that I don't think many people would believe me!). It wasn't long before all I could think about was my past and how crap it had been. It was no surprise that I fell into a very deep depression. Being in the present is linked to a higher life satisfaction, but I wasn't in the present. I was focused on the past and only the bad.

It was with the help of, surprisingly, my first ex boyfriend that helped me get back out of this pit of despair I'd dug for myself. It was like the clouds were starting to clear and the light was shining through. I could almost feel the shift in my perspective because an ex boyfriend of mine, who I hadn't spoken to for 5 years was concerned and offered to help me. That completely contradicted my view of my past and the people in my past. Suddenly, a person from my past who I only viewed negatively, was showing a positive side - a positive side that was always there but I ignored. That helped me realise that life is unpredictable and that can be either a negative or a positive thing.

It was only after I had been on medication that I realised how hyper-focused I was on my past. The medication almost reset my mind to focus on the here and now. It actually helped me to realise that my past has been and gone and to close that chapter of my life.

Although is was a horrible time, I am thankful I experienced it because now I can recognise when I'm starting to think negatively. I still get days where I fall back into thinking about all the negative things that have happened, but I remind myself where that pattern of thought can lead and pull myself back out of it. Before this, I would talk about bad things in my life to partners, now I choose not to because I know where it can lead. Even online, I won't spend too long dwelling on bad events in my life. The moment I start feeling a bit low, I stop and do something else to distract myself. I think it's normal and common for people to dwell on the past every now and then, but the trick is being able to pull yourself back out of that thought pattern before it leads to depression.

I overcame depression, but I do still experience anxiety, which is inherited but also in response to previous events in my life. What I've learned from overcoming depression has helped me realise when I'm being too focused on the future as well. I can't control the past and I can't control the future, so why do I spend so much time focusing on them? This is why meditation, that teaches you to be in the present can be so beneficial. It is definitely a mental skill that you can develop.

I've been a lot better over the last three years or so and by being aware of my own thought patterns and preventing myself from falling back into that cycle, it has helped prevent depression from taking hold again.

I hope this has been somewhat insightful to somebody. Thank-you for reading.

My experience of depression and how I overcame it
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