I know that is probably the millionth take but here is "The actual problem with Corona virus".


so first off, i'll cut the crap and get rid of bullshit and missinformation:

It is not dangerous AT ALL to the vast majority of people.

corona is neither deadly, nor dangerous, nor particularly unpleasant for the vast majority who get it. most people that get corona will not be able to tell the difference between the common cold and corona virus. for example children who get infected will aside from rare exceptions fully recover without any medication and most won't even show symptoms. for the general population, the mortality rate is roughly 0,3-0,7% (for reference: every time you drive a car, you have a 1.3% chance of dying to a car accident). the numbers are constantly corrected downwards as we learn how few people actually show severe symptoms. after you had it, you are even immune vor quite some time, cause the body naturally keeps around antibodies to beat the virus.

so if you're not affraid of driving your car, then being affraid of corona is pure idiocy.

Me looking at the media landscape
Me looking at the media landscape

Even within the very narrow risk group of people, it is still manageable.

which brings me to the other end of the spectrum: there are the elderly and sick people with health problems who already deal with weakened immune system. to them, corona is significantly more dangerous and they should be carefull but even they should not in panic the way our global civilization does. however even in the specific endangered group only a fraction of people end up in hospital. and of those hospitalized, 20% actually die. don't freak out. the mean age of that group is 65... and what many people don't realize is: in this risk group you have a very high risk of actually dying from ANYTHING you end up in the hospital for (statistically speaking). what is dangerous for them is NOT dangerous for healthy people.

So what is the Problem with corona?!

the problem with corona is that the global community and most individuals treat it as if it was the zombie apocalypse outbreak. sooner or later, maybe not in the media but in the general global population, the realization that "this wasn't so bad" will kick in.

what does that mean? the WHO and litterally every media outlet told us to be in panic about a common flu.

so imagine 1-2 month from now an actually deadly pandemy starts spreading. will you be as scared? will you be able to know that you should be scared? or will you be like "ah fuck those morons, it's just the next harmless bullshit".

and therein lies the actual problem. if authorities flip their shit over nothing, how can we ever know when we actually need to give a crap? i'll leave that question up for discussion...

one final word of advice for the future: the word "pandemy" doesn't mean it's dangerous. it just means people the world over will have it. even the common cold is a pandemy. a pandemy is still one of the most likely scenarios for the end of humanity. so taking away the edge of that word by what we do with corona is actually very dangerous.

I know that is probably the millionth take but here is "The actual problem with Corona virus".
21 Opinion