Covid conspiracy

Covid conspiracy

I've recently come across a lot of different remarks made by people like @hostiletakeover and also others who seem to think that covid-19 is simply a hoax etc. This is astounding. There seems to be an idea that the entire thing is going to result in the injection of something not specified like a microchip and the covid pandemic is made up to accommodate it. This is bizarre to say the least. What about the people who don't take the vaccines? People who can't?

The problem with people like @hostiletakeover is that it injects doubt about the vaccine and also about the disease itself. It's mentioned that the vaccine "was created by China " which is equally preposterous. Several pharmaceutical companies have been working on this around the clock for months.

It's a virus that is currently destroying the world and the economy and all countries are affected by it. This is why the notion that the virus is a weapon created by one country is crazy. All nations are affected by this.

The mask doesn't stop the microscopic virus particles. It's impossible. They are so tiny you need an electron microscope to see them. The mask stops your spittle from spreading into the air. Virus sticks to the spittle.

Virologists study viruses. Epidemiologist study epidemics. These are people who have high salaries and long educations. They have jobs. The thing they study is very real.

Videos of hospitals that show a calm lobby is not proof that nobody is sick. The sick people are upstairs, not in the lobby. Most of us have visited a friend or relatives in a hospital. Was their bed in the lobby? No! Upstairs in a room with a tv and a toilet in a hall with other similar rooms.

This virus is absolutely real. It's an animal born virus that spread to a human in China around a year ago.

People who think something else are simply uninformed and should stop watching YouTube conspiracy. They are a social danger because they spread their ideas with extreme energy. Also they are sure to not take social distance and other measures since they "know " it's just a hoax.

It's a virus like many viruses before it. The vaccine is a vaccine like many vaccines before it.

Take care. Mask up, 6 feet, wash hands, disinfect.

Covid conspiracy
23 Opinion