
My mother's (47) experience with AstraZeneca

Background information

My mother (47) was administered two doses of AstraZeneca two months ago.

We're not American, and where we live, you need to have a good reason to be vaccinated because the elderly are prioritised.

My mother works in a hospital, and since all of her coworkers had gotten vaccinated, they peer pressured her into getting vaccinated too.

My mothers (47) experience with AstraZeneca

After researching the vaccine, my mother decided that it would be safe to get the vaccine.

It's important to know that my mother only gets vaccinated when she considers it necessary, so I'd say she's neither pro nor against vaccination in general; she decides individually for each vaccine.

My mother's health in general

My mother is a very active person who works out every day. She grew up next to a forest and has been going on runs, cycling, skiing, swimming and going to the gym for all her life.

She's only gets somewhat sick every 2-3 years.

The first dose

My mother got very, very sick after being administered the first dose. She had to stay in bed for an entire week and was absolutely miserable. She said that there are no words to describe what she had to go through and I believe her when it comes to that, she's a tough cookie usually, but that vaccine almost broke her.

My mothers (47) experience with AstraZeneca

After getting the first dose, she got an intense headache that hasn't gone away since, which is very scary for her.

The second dose

My mother still has her headache, and after receiving the second dose, she started having mental health issues for the first time in her life. She's somewhat depressed and in a rut right now, it's hard to watch.

My mothers (47) experience with AstraZeneca
She also said that she feels much less energised when exercising now and that it's hard for her to get out of bed in the morning.

My mother's advice

Think about whether or not it's smart to get vaccinated.

Make an informed decision and factor in about a week of recovery time from the vaccine.

My mothers (47) experience with AstraZeneca

Don't get vaccinated just to be able to go outside and enjoy a regular life again, unless you're depressed and need to meet other people.

Please read up on official information from trusted sources, don't get involved with conspiracy theories about the covid vaccine that are fabricated to make you panic.

Listen to what people close to you who got the vaccine have to say and then decide for yourself whether you should get the vaccine or not.

Never underestimate vaccines, but never trust social media either. Do. Your. Own. Research.

My mother's (47) experience with AstraZeneca
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