Best diet in the morning 😋🌄

Best diet in the morning 😋🌄

Seven to eight strawberries and two dates in the morning on an empty stomach instead of tea, coffee, green tea, milk etc. are included in the diet chart of many diseases.

Strawberries are full of nutrients that are very beneficial for the heart and brain. The elements that prevent many diseases from worsening are easily found in dates.

The ingredients in strawberries help the hormones adiponectin and leptin to be produced properly. It accelerates the metabolic rate. Despite eating so much, people with the defect of rapid obesity do not become obese.

Strawberries have very little sweetness although they are very flavorful and sweet. But what is even more remarkable is that strawberries are rich in nutrients that help control blood sugar and help the pancreas produce insulin properly.

Diabetic patients start feeling low very quickly i.e. start feeling weak even after eating and drinking. But dates benefit from this defect. By the way, diabetics feel lazy all day long but it is very difficult for them to get out of bed in the morning. They like to eat something sweet in the morning.

If they get two dates in the morning, the energy level increases very quickly. Also, if six or seven strawberries are found, then their mood will also improve and the taste of the mouth will also become much better.

Strawberries and dates are also very beneficial for a pregnant woman. If a pregnant woman eats dates daily, her delivery will be normal. Under no circumstances is a major operation minor. That means C-section is not required.

The salicylic acid in strawberries makes the face bright, smooth, beautiful and clean and also removes wrinkles, dark circles, spots, blemishes and also reduces old scars.

The many ingredients in strawberries tighten the skin pores and remove the dead skin cells quickly. Ascorbic acid, iron, phosphorus, magnesium manganese, copper, potassium, zinc, selenium, beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin etc. are found in strawberries and dates which protect against all types of cancer and typhoid, hepatitis, arthritis, Fatty liver also prevents diseases from worsening.

Best diet in the morning 😋🌄
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