How to remember a significant event from my past?

This morning, as a part of my job, I was taking a tour of a new building at my work. There were still construction workers there and everything. It had the "new building smell" but it didn't stink or anything. Anyway, it was the weirdest thing, I walked in there, and I was overcome by the strangest emotion... I felt very small, and overwhelmingly like I had been there before, and that something significant in my childhood happened.
Now obviously I was not in that building, since it was just built, but I'm thinking something really did happen at some point, and that smell brought me back or something.

I'm just wondering how I should go about remembering what that is? I don't really want to do hypnotism. I know it works for some people, but I don't have much faith in it, which you really need for it to work. Is there another way? The smell alone wasn't enough to remember, but I feel like it was something important.
How to remember a significant event from my past?
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