For the love of MOney is the root of all evil?

A lot misinterpret the bible scripture about money being evil.
They don't read it thoroughly.
Money is not evil
For the love of money is the root of all evil.
Non believers will read the first sentence and not even acknowledge what I writing and not challenge my belief.
They don't want to hear it.
They will say, "Fuck your God!"
Or, "I've heard it all before"
You go to college and pay thousands of dollars just to study the same exact thing to have a better life.
A percentage of the people who pay that much money to go to college to relearn the same exact thing for money and pay money do not even make it through all the way or they do and their career path switches to something else.
So here they are in their 30s paying off credit cards and student loans or medical bills from almost dying and you didn't have medical insurance at the time.
Or when you actually did get the benefits, you didn't follow through with understanding or asking about the co pay.
So you keep getting mail from collectors.
You are saving up for a down payment to buy a house one day.
You figure ways to save money so you save in quarters
You save in quarter rolls.
You get addicted to money, candy or food or possibly a drug*if you are into that.
All those are small anticipations. The money is what kills you. You save thousands of dollars but your vehicle keeps dying.
You have to spend that money.
You go into collections.
Your credit gets bad.
You go to the bank to figure it out.
Life becomes all about money.
It becomes happiness
It destroys who you love
It makes you cold
It makes you not appreciate the most important gift that you have
The gift of life
The feelings of contentment
That constantly strives for your attention
But you are blinded by money.
So anyone gonna ask me if this is a question
Or are you gonna give your 2 cents on the deal?
For the love of MOney is the root of all evil?
7 Opinion