Can a skinny person be a glutton?

Ah, gluttony -- favourite "Deadly Sin" of obese people everywhere. Even modern secular society has little sympathy for fat people seen pigging out on pizza and burgers. Yet if we see a skinny or athletic individual doing the same, we tend not to judge them. Does that mean it's somehow worse or more sinful when a fat person eats this way? Or can skinny people be gluttons too?

Can a skinny person be a glutton?

NO - as long as they are skinny or fit, they're eating the right amount of calories for them, so they can't commit gluttony
YES - they're showing the same lack of self-control over their own eating as fat people, so they are still filthy gluttons
SORT OF - it's still morally wrong for skinny/fit people to eat like gluttons, just not AS wrong
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Can a skinny person be a glutton?
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