Has anyone used INSTANT ERASE hand sanitizer? It smells awful yet no -alleged- inactive ingredients in my experience , have a distinctive smell?

I don’t know what I’m putting on my hands. And sometimes face. Honestly it smells like gasoline. It says Made under Emergency 🚨 Measures... I’m wondering what purpose it was originally allocated for. Maybe it is the vat the chemicals were brung studied in that has the smell and it leached on 🧐🤷‍♀️
Guys awful lol 🤢 🤮 😷

Compromised of :
80% alcohol.
Inactive ingredients : Glycerin; hydrogen peroxide; purified water.
————Nothing Odd or note worthy there...
Do You think there is missing info?
Has anyone used INSTANT ERASE hand sanitizer? It smells awful yet no -alleged- inactive ingredients in my experience , have a distinctive smell?
Lies. All Lies 😎
I have an idea as to what is cat sung that smell.🧐
I have NO IDEA. 😐
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+1 y
Evidently, this the appalling scent is natural byproduct of ethanol being made from corn, sugar cane, beets, and other organic sources. [Ethyl alcohol] production is highly regulated.

It stinks because these new brands of hand sanitizer —many made by distillers who’ve pivoted from producing drinking alcohol to meet public demand for hand sanitizer—are making and using denatured ethanol. This ethanol costs significantly less than ethanol filtered using activated carbon filtration, {continued }
+1 y
which would typically remove almost all contaminants and the smell.

Those organic contaminants aren’t the only reason unfiltered and denatured ethanol smells horrible. Ddenatured ethanol is also intentionally tainted with an unpalatable addition of chemicals (denaturants) such as methanol, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and denatonium to make it undrinkable.

~~~Sooo basically my antiseptic is toxic. Great 👍🏻 🙄
Has anyone used INSTANT ERASE hand sanitizer? It smells awful yet no -alleged- inactive ingredients in my experience , have a distinctive smell?
16 Opinion