Am I too heavy for ballet?

This summer, my goal is to lose as much weight as I possibly can without looking sickly or boney or anything. I decided that I would go back into ballet(I was in it for 2 years when I was in jonior high) I am not as flexible as I used to be so I have been working my tail off these past few weeks to get a little bit of it back. Tomorrow I'm supposed to enroll in classes and I was talking to my mum about how sore I have been lately so she told me (in translation) : stop streching if your so sore! Maybe they won't accept u!" I am really depressed right now :(. Would they really not accept me if I'm older now? I have regained my flexibility and I have lost 1 whole kg and 1

lb is about .454 kg so that is really good since it's been a week only since I I last weighed myself, and now I'm 1kg lighter! I know that

Russions are really mean about that stuff but would it be to the extent of not accepting me? Would they be so cruel?
Am I too heavy for ballet?
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