Do you think you can live a body builder lifestyle?

Do you think you can live a body builder lifestyle?
Although there is a difference between competitive bodybuilding lifestyle ( you work out and live only for competitions so the sacrifice is extreme regards of food, hours at the gym, social life, love life, etc etc. as the competitive lifestyle is an animal by itself, and is a much more extreme version of the bodybuilding lifestyle.) but having just a bodybuilding lifestyle and not competitive does not mean the sacrifice is much less, still both types are lifestyles where you have to sacrifice a lot of things as part of your daily life and both are just part of having the perfect physique and looks and taht is the focus of these people lifestyle, they pay more attention to the outer beauty and they just breath and eat exercise the whole time. IIm not saying that these people are not kind pretty people from the inside and have inner beauty, of course not but their focus mainly is on the looks here and there, the perfection of their superficial self.

I mean you do work out , exercise, practice sports to maintain a healthy normal lifestyle but you dont go to the extreme to sacrifice things like many body builders do and sometimes include to consume artificial supplements to build huge muscles that at the end they look horrible physically men and women. and I read that even being a body builder has it
CONS: limited range of motion in joints - when you focus only on strength and mass you lose flexibility in most joints because they are proportionally disbalanced. ...
speed - although you can train explosive strength, in order to move your full body you require much more energy to do so.

Could you handle the sacrifice of not having social life, eat certain type of foods (even if body builders eat huge amounts of food but it is good nutritional food though) and even weigh the food, weigh yourself often to check your progress, do not have time for romance
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or date if you wish, spend for instance like 6 days a week at the gym and train like 3 hours each day in order to achieve that body builder physique.

I wonder if body builders (men or women) besides working out to the extreme almost 24/7, they also have other common jobs at offices, companies or stuff like that, do they or not beacuse they will never have time to work on other things just on their bodies?

Some body builders are certified fitness instructors or teachers already and that..
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that is their work, that is their job and they are paid for being instructors or teachers but other body builders may not be instructors but they have ordinary jobs only that when they hit the gym they work out hard hard.

I remember reading about a lady body builder who had a ripped physique but not so huge and she said "I dont have a social life per se, I barely hang out and I dont have time to have dates, because I spend most of my time at the gym working out and I wonder, Is that true life?
Do you think you can live a body builder lifestyle?
27 Opinion