Could birth control have caused this?

In December, I had decided to come off birth control. I had been on it for several months beforehand and was instructed to skip all my periods (due to suspected endometriosis). Anyways, despite on and off pains and all that, I have one particular question. My period has always been regular, even when I came off the birth control. However just my last period, it was one week late. It had never ever been like that (even these last few months being off birth control). For about eight days now (could be a little more), I have been having more strange things. I have been firstly getting spotting, which again, isn't common for me and will only happen when skipping periods on bc, or sometimes three days before my period. Now the spotting has stopped for about the last three days, but I have A LOT of discharge. I mean, an insane amount. Usually discharge for me will only last for three days, with only one of the days the discharge being "gloopy". However, these past eight days (maybe a little more), it has been really really gloopy, and a lot is coming out. I guess the best way to describe it is like an egg white. But some parts that come out are more thicker. I keep wiping and more "gloopiness" comes out. And then when just going about my day, it feels like when you're on your period and a massive bloodclot is to come out. Is this normal? Why is all of this happening at once? Could it still be linked to bc, even while being off it for about five-six months? Also I can't go doctors as I have covid.
Could birth control have caused this?
2 Opinion