Advice: Should I return to the gym in 2023? If so, which one should I go to?


I've been taking a three month hiatus from the gym. I've honestly never felt better. I've always HATED going to the gym. Not because I wasn't willing to do the work for an hour to 90 minutes, three to four days a week, but because it was always fruitless.

I literally NEVER gained anything in my entire time I've gone to the gym. And I've to many in my adult life. From cardio gyms like Bally's Total Fitness in 2006 and Planet Fitness in 2010, to Judo/Brazilian Jiu-jitsu in 2012, to MMA in 2013, to American boxing to 2015, to MMA again in 2018, and kickboxing in 2021.


Going to the gym just makes me hate my defective short body even more; because I'm sacrificing my happiness and time, for something that's likely going to be useless, as well as helping out my worst enemy at the same time.

At least, in martial arts gyms, I'm paying to learn a skill and how to improve my fighting skills, but what I ideally would want, is to improve my body and have one of those Chad six-pack bodies (just like most people who go to the gym; for looks purposes.) But I'm 99% sure it's genetically impossible for me to have a body like that. If I went to a cardio gym, I'd do weight-lifting the whole time, but purely for the strength, since tone and definition isn't possible.

Weight lifting
Weight lifting

Like I said though, I'm happy just going home after teaching, rather than spending one to two hours doing kickboxing or weight lifting and having no physical changes from it. But I also feel like it's kind of lazy and I need to do some kind of physical exercise (besides bike riding, taking the stairway, etc.) because "that's just what people are supposed to do." But I do like just relaxing after a long day of work; playing video games, watching YouTube, creative projects, learning Korean at home, etc.



Fitness gym, which is $30 a month.
Kickboxing gym, which is $120 a month.
Don't return to the gym and work on your mental health: Free.

You should go to a fitness gym and do weight-lifting to see if you can gain some muscle mass.
You should do kickboxing again and gain some hand-to-hand combat skills, if you can't make any changes to your body.
You should not return to the gym, if it makes you unhappy.
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Advice: Should I return to the gym in 2023? If so, which one should I go to?
19 Opinion