Do I listen to my therapist?


I need advice cause I'm terribly aching and lost. I'm 25 almost 26 in May. I have nothing, I do have anxiety and depression. I still live at home, I pay rent here. My mom is 68, she's getting older and I rely on her for a lot. Besides the point, I feel dumb. My social skills are bad. I think I'm slow, and think I'm low intelligence. I missed a lot of school growing up due to a sickness I had. My mom kept me home when I was sick and I got into a habit so in HS I started to skip school. I fell behind in a few classes math and I had a reading class IEP. Other classes I was going at a normal rate as my peers. I got my IEP papers back and it doesn't say any sort of disability. But it said 12th grade it was stabilized.

I've confided in my therapist about this and she said it's just anxiety caused thoughts. I took a few IQ online tests and I got 85 on the mensa Norway then took mensa Denmark and got 102. Then took a ravens based one recently and got 104.

I am a CNA in the hospital and I just feel slow among the other nurses. They are my age and younger. I just feel they are so smart and beautiful and then there's me.

I was reading on reddit about Danielle from 90 day fiancé and they were thinking she was slow, but she's a nurse. Someone mentioned she may have been a nurses aide. I mean I'm certified but I'm worried I am.

I'm so worried... my mom says they didn't suspect anything. Mental health runs in my family. My uncles have been hospitalized for their thinking. My aunt is bipolar, my cousin is institutionalized.

I think everyone knows I'm low intelligence, and they don't say anything. Do I listen to my therapist saying it's anxiety?

Do I listen to my therapist?
4 Opinion