Anybody here have any life hacks that just really make you sleep well at night and feel energetic throughout the next day?


Aight so these past couple of days I been feeling like a million bucks. I been feeling so good.

What I did is I basically decided I’m waking up at 8am everyday. I’m gonna set an alarm, yank open the blinds, and I can still take a cold shower and have some tea if I need it. But I haven’t even had to do that.

Before I’d been staying up as late as I wanted without a plan but now I’m trynna really limit it to before 2am bedtime and ideally in the 10-12pm range.

I’ve already noticed significantly positive results.

My goal is to eventually work towards 6am wakeup but I still kinda have a night owl tendency I’m trynna weed out but either way I’ve still been able to scale it significantly back.

And so as a result of better planning I been waking up feeling a lot better and sleeping a lot better lately now that I have an actual grounded plan.

Give it another couple weeks and I’ll probably be managing 6am wakeups no sweat.

I have the energy now to go to the gym and I feel as though I’m just more ambitious in life now and I want to do more things.

Also cutting screentime before bed. I try to wrap up what I’m doing by 12am at the latest. And I take short showers with a blast of cold water at the end before bed. I don’t shower for pleasure anymore I just do it strictly to get clean. Cuz if you over extend the shower, the warm water actually activates your energy.

Also I been including breakfast in my diet instead of skipping it and also been drinking Pomegranate vitamin water with every meal as well as accompanying with a fruit salad and just really trynna stay on top of hydration by carrying a water bottle around everywhere.

Anybody here have any life hacks that just really make you sleep well at night and feel energetic throughout the next day?
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