What's your favorite drink?

I like Concord wine the most, it takes a lot for it to get me drunk, but once I am, I feel happy and giddy. Too emotions that have been farthest from me for far too long.

I tried whiskey and rum as well, both 40%. They were roughly the same price as the Concord wine, but the higher alcohol percentage should allow me to get drunk more times. Key word "should", neither really got me feeling happy and giddy at all, it just makes me fall asleep.

After a day of wine, I feel like a million dollars when I wake up in the morning, whereas with rum or whiskey, I have a headache. So, Concord wine remains my drink of choice.

I have never been a fan of beer, the taste is quite bad and you'd have to drink a f*ck ton of it to even get a little bit intoxicated. The Concord wine is just $7 at Kroger for 1.5 liters. The alcohol taste has worn a bit, so the grape taste really stands out. That and the historic significance of the place in which it's made makes it great for me.

What's your drink of choice?
Whats your favorite drink?
What's your favorite drink?
20 Opinion