I'm not the only girl who can burp loudly, right? And how should I think about this in terms of guys?

So, I grew up in a family where burping contests were the norm. I have a pretty extraordinary belching talent and I think a well-timed burp is hilarious.

However, I've often been called "gross" or "unladylike" when I flaunt my, erm, talent, and I'm afraid it's hurting my chances with guys. I won't blast a burp on the first date or anything, but if I have to burp I will and am generally not the type to say "excuse me."

I'm having a bit of a crisis because I'm in college now and am one of the only girls I know who have not been in a seriously committed relationship. I'm wondering if I should change fundamental aspects of my character in order to meet a guy?

Ideally, I'd like to meet a fun guy who is fine with the burping and would even take me on in a contest! So, this is a two-part question. 1) Girls: Do you like burping, and have you struggled at all with something like this? 2) Anyone: Do you think I should change some of this behavior in order to meet a good guy? P.S. Completely cutting out burping is out of the question hahaha.
I'm not the only girl who can burp loudly, right? And how should I think about this in terms of guys?
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