Girl I'm friends with has a drinking problem?

its tough to all explain but basically the drinking age here in this part of Canada is 19 so I think that's when she started to drink and got into bars when off at college , she's now like 21 so has been drinking for a couple years now.
I'm not sure exactly what her problem is , if its a medical reason she can't handle the alcohol or genetic or exactly sure. but she seems to get drunk very easily and other girls at same bars are never is drunk is her. she's a small girl so that might be part of reason.
she's at the age where she likes to go out and party with friends and finds it easy to get free drinks from guys as she's pretty. so that allows her to drink more alcohol when out.
but she just doesn't handle it well and always seems very intoxicated if she's had more than a couple drinks. and seems to enjoy being drunk for some reason and it seemed like she was always drinking last summer even if there was no reason to be. and she makes fun of it on Facebook . I also saw pictures that indicated she might of drank an entire bottle of wine with her 1 gf than gone out to a club. she also lives very close to the liquor store in town so that doesn't help.

I realise there is likely no way to stop her from drinking entirely at this age but I'd wish there was some way to convince her to drink responsibly as I fear she is putting her long term health at risk if this behaviour is to continue for future years of her life.
Girl I'm friends with has a drinking problem?
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