My Christmas List (80's Style)

My Christmas List (80's Style)

As with everyone else on here, I used to be a dorky little kid too. But unlike the rest of you losers, I was an 80's loser! To prove my point: It took two days of thinking about what these toys were before I thought of using the Internet. While I'm sure that most kids want some tablet or some other electronic thingamajig (google it) today. Back then most parents would have to save half the year or longer to buy a Nintendo for their kids (Minimum wage in '85 was $3.35 an hour) and $199.99 in 1985 equals $434.69 in 2013.

Getting back to the topic at hand. The following list contains the Top Ten Toys I could remember REALLY wanting back in the 80's at one point or another! (I make no apologies for wanting these.)

Teddy Ruxpin

Seriously who didn't want this mild bear telling them a story at Bed Time in the early 80's! And I'm not even counting his buddy Grubby. I was one of them that wanted to hear the stories but never got to.

Care Bears

So the first two toys are Bears, who cares... The Care Bears! Parents always give kids teddy bears when they're little. Except these bears had a cartoon and from what my Mom says they where super annoying with all her kids wanting them. (I got Grumpy though!)

Garbage Pail Kids Cards
My Christmas List (80's Style)

Despite this rather normal looking card, most parents hated these cards. Baby Boomers found these really disgusting but their boys (and some girls) thought they were AWESOME! The lucky Kids had binders full of these they would use to gross out other people or make them envious. My parents liked saying "Not in MY house!" when I asked them for some cards. The few I was able to get on my own were quickly thrown out by my mom.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Figures

What kid doesn't like anything Karate related! And come on it's the fricken Turtles! (I miss Raph being the smart ass.)

He-Man Action Figures

He-Man was another big one for me as a kid. I would often ask for the toy castle by name and my Aunt's favorite story of me was how I always said "Castle Greyskull" with a lisp. But I got the Castle for looking so cute to my Aunt when I said it.


These bouncing balls were a gross out status symbol where I lived, like the Garbage Pail Kids. But if you tried to bounce them they would vear way off course and break something. The one toy that got you a butt whooping straight out of the box.

Thunder Cats Figures

thunder... Thunder... THUNDER CATS HO! (Nuff said.)


As much as I was into these sadly I had to deal with their knock off toy the "Go-Bots." :( That's right grown man crying, deal with it!

G.I. Joe Action Figures

This was as cool as the Military got to us kids back then. Before the live coverage of the Gulf War anyways. I used to think my Dad did stuff like this at work, boy was I way off. Still playing with GI Joe's was always the precursor to me playing "War!" as a young boy with my friends. Despite the name it was a fun game.


This video may make you feel way too old or way too young. But yes everything they discuss actually happened and we still wanted it!! It was a then 200 dollar P.O.S. that managed to save the video game market! So whatever system you're on now, show some Respect!

My Christmas List (80's Style)

That's the list for me. I'm sure you have your own childhood favorites to add below so knock yourself out.


My Christmas List (80's Style)
10 Opinion