4 Reasons Why We Should All Strive For Ugliness


Here are 4 reasons why we should all strive for ugliness.

4 Reasons Why We Should All Strive For Ugliness

1. Ugliness is low-maintenance.

Applying make-up every morning and taking it off every night take up way too much time and meticulousness. The morning hour is usually very tight for many people, because they have to rush to work or school. So, why should you spend the hour on something that will only make you attractive during the day and will be taken off by nightfall?

4 Reasons Why We Should All Strive For Ugliness

2. Ugliness is stress-free.

There are always going to be people who hate you or persecute you. You can't please everybody. If you do attempt to please everybody, then you please nobody, because everybody has a different opinion about what you should do.

4 Reasons Why We Should All Strive For Ugliness

3. Ugliness is safer.

Make-up and beauty products are often loaded with toxic chemicals. It is possible to find higher-quality, safer beauty products, but that requires careful reading of the labels and knowledge of toxic chemicals. If you buy a random piece of beauty product without caring at all about the ingredients, then you may do yourself more harm than good in the long run. Not to mention, the cost of buying better-quality beauty products.

4 Reasons Why We Should All Strive For Ugliness

4. Ugliness is cheap.

Beauty and fashion trends come and go. Basically, you are spending so much money on beauty products and clothes that you will just discard because of the expiration date or outdated style. If you want cheap, then just a pair of hand-me-down clothes from your older same-gender relative would work.

4 Reasons Why We Should All Strive For Ugliness
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