Your Body & You: Thigh Gap Edition


This is a public service announcement aimed towards all the women who feel like their thigh gaps (or lack of one) make them less attractive in the eyes of others:

Your Body & You: Thigh Gap Edition

Front and center, ladies.

First of all, the vast majority of us do not mind whether or not you have one. I'm talking at least 90% of us. Most guys do not care if you have/don't have one, and a lot of us don't even pay attention to it (I can't say the same about lesbians with absolute certainty, but I'm sure many of them would agree). We still find all of you attractive regardless of your size, height, or color.

Your Body & You: Thigh Gap Edition

Yeah, work that body acceptance.

Second of all, learn to love and appreciate yourselves before you even worry about what others think of you. Start looking at your reflections and realize just how beautiful you are. Wear whatever color or style of jeans, shirts, skirts, or dresses that you want. Be as girly as you can be, or be the complete opposite. If you don't want to eat a salad then don't, eat a whole chocolate cake if you want. Do what makes you happy. Stop being your own harshest critic and start being your own cheerleader.

And lastly, stop bullying each other over it.

Your Body & You: Thigh Gap Edition

Even if it's hot to look at.

For as long as mankind has recorded history, women have been severely oppressed. Slavery, forced prostitution, open discrimination, deprivation, etc. You name it, women as a whole have gone through it and it was considered to be the norm. But you all have worked hard and fought for the same rights as men (rights that you should have been given in the first place).

Your Body & You: Thigh Gap Edition

See this? This should not have been necessary.

We are in a new era. Women can now have an education, vote, hold political positions, run companies, fight for their countries, be the breadwinner of the household, and even pee while standing (via plastic thingy-ma-bobber). While the plights on society previously mentioned do still happen in the world today (largely in the Eastern Hemisphere), it is no longer morally acceptable and both men and women are doing what they can to fight it. You all had given each other support through those dark times, so why are you degrading one another now? Especially over something so insignificant? Rosie the Riveter would be disappointed in you.

Your Body & You: Thigh Gap Edition

In both your behavior and your brow game.

"Why the sudden history lesson, Xelebrum?" I'll tell you why, fellow GAG member! History is one of the most important things to learn, even if some may find it boring. We take history classes not only to earn the required credits, but to learn from both the accomplishments and the mistakes of our ancestors so that we may better ourselves and grow. Do not take what the women of the past have gone through for granted. Stop needlessly hurting one another and start learning how to put aside any differences in a peaceful and respectful manner.

Your Body & You: Thigh Gap Edition

Unless you're near an octagon.

That is all.

Your Body & You: Thigh Gap Edition
29 Opinion