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1 y

What if a woman has traditional values but is an atheist too, would men want to marry her?

Why do I have a feeling that you're describing yourself? 😹 It's all right though, sister. Either way I think there's someone out there for everyone. It's just a matter of whether or not you're... Relationships

1 y

What if someone married falls in love with someone else... Then what?

Well that's fairly simple. Get a divorce and go be with the person you love. Relationships

+1 y

Do you believe in Right Person Wrong Time?

Oh yes. Yes. Hundred times yes. It happens everytime and with everything. It's not just romantic relationships. It's everything. But I think a part of that has to do with how mature you are at... Relationships

+1 y

Have you ever been damaged by someone? How did you get over it?

Emotionally I find myself incapable of ever trusting into having a best friend. I guess the word has lost its meaning for me. I had one in high school. We were best friends for 4 years and then... Relationships

+1 y

College guys-is all they want hookups or do some of them want serious relationships?

Oh take my word for it. 90% of these so called relationships won't last longer than the duration of your course. Relationships

+1 y

My boyfriend is mad at me for giving another guy my number?

Gosh the GenZ. "snapchatted", "number", "text" Where are the times when we used to write letters, those sweet words, those times. Ah. Relationships

+1 y

Is it okay to remind my boyfriend about Valentine's day?

Yeah it is all right. It hardly matters. Relationships

+1 y

Would you get in a relationship with someone you knew since they were a kid?

Uh You make it sound perverted. But other than that it's not that bad. Doesn't sound like it's doomed to fail Relationships

+1 y

Parents won’t let me see my girlfriend during this corona virus pandemic and I’m getting stressed out because she is upset, what do I do?

Uh what? It's a good thing that you're not allowed to go out. Wtf? Can't you not see your girlfriend for a month? And if your relationship can't last this course during this crisis, it's not real. Relationships

+1 y

How do you feel about past decisions, regrets, mistakes?

I've made some questionable decisions in the past and I wonder if I'd make those decisions again if I could and naturally a person wouldn't. But I would. It has made me who I am. All the... Other

+1 y

Do you think unconditional love is the true love?

How is conditional love not craziness? Relationships

+1 y

Have you recovered from New year eve yet?

I slept at 11pm on 31st. I don't think I gave any fucks Holidays

+1 y

What's Going on for Christmas Eve this Year?

Sleeping, eating and some more again. lol Holidays

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