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4 mo

What are the things about people on dating apps you swipe left on?

I generally look at looks and the bio. How you introduce yourself. I prefer the ones with a funny intro Dating

9 mo

How to stop being a relationship fluffer?

You need to ask that question after a first date. 'So do you see us getting serious with this or not" to save yourself the stress of putting your heart out there. Please don't make it seem... Dating

9 mo

Why I suddenly feel like I fell out of love?

You had an expectation from him and you're not seeing it. You gotta tell yourself the truth that something you wanted from it, you're not getting it. That's why the sudden loss of interest. Also... Relationships

10 mo

Does it look desperate for a girl to ask a guy out?

The guys will say no, but try to use the girl that tend to ask them out Dating

10 mo

How do you find the idea of love letters?

Well it's sweet tho. Dating

10 mo

Would you say good looking people appreciate looks less because it’s easier to access?

For men, they don't care. But women tend to appreciate look or have a substitute of money to compliment it. Dating

10 mo

Would you say that you like who you are?

Yes, I can say that I'm happy with who I am Relationships

10 mo

Is it okay If I spend my holiday with my ex fiance’s mother?

I think it's best you honor her invitation, cause she deserves it and she sees you as her daughter. Enjoy the company, life's too short not to make memories together Relationships

10 mo

Why does my dad lie to his girlfriend?

He will have his reasons for doing so, it's best you just let it go Relationships

10 mo

Should I give our relationship another chance or end things?

At this internet age, don't tell me he hasn't learned anything from it all this while. It's best you let the relationship go for your mental health Relationships

10 mo

If an ex came back into your life saying that they’ve come back for all the right reasons, would you take them back?

You have to ask him to explain, "his right reasons" and then you then decides if you want the same reasons Relationships

10 mo

Girls, is a 30 year old guy who’s not a virgin but has never been in a relationship or dated anyone a dealbreaker?

Deal breaker for me, it shows you're all play and no commitment. I like someone that can commit and learn from the experience Dating

10 mo

Would you date your best friend?

If you enter my friend zone, you never coming out Dating

10 mo

Is it acceptable to give practical or useful gifts instead of romantic or sentimental ones in a romantic relationship?

It depends on the current situation and the present need actually. If your partner is feeling down, you can get him something practical that he enjoys. If he's happy, get him something emotional. Relationships

10 mo

Is my boss hitting on me?

Seems like you enjoy the attention as well, you both do actually. But be careful, it doesn't end well most times Dating

10 mo

When I compare myself to my boyfriend, I just feel like a loser. What do I do?

You can work towards achieving what you planned out, it's the effort to be better that matters honestly Relationships

10 mo

Do toys really like tall women or are they just saying that to make us feel better?

It's all about preference, you should really discuss the height issues if you're going to be in a relationship with the guy next time. So you don't keep dating the wrong ones Dating

10 mo

Would you rather win 10 million dollars or find the love of your life?

I'm taking the bag, thank you. The love of my life will want that as well Dating

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