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2 mo

Which is considered more respectful when approaching a woman?

Asking to exchange numbers is more respectful I’d say. Asking for their ShapChat isn’t inherently disrespectful, but that platform is also associated with NSFW content, so it may come off as... Flirting

2 mo

Guys, Which compliments mean the most to you?

A handful of times I’ve been told that I’m a good leader. That one hits deep, because it shows that I’ve earned their trust and respect, and it’s not as easy of a compliment to get as... Flirting

2 mo

Is honesty always the best policy?

Usually it is, but not always. Usually, it’s best to be honest — but it’s important to be tactful with your words, especially if what you have to say is constructive criticism or bad news.... Dating

2 mo

Is men's importance placed on beauty in partners nature or nurture?

When I was in my teens, I used to be attracted to girls for more superficial reasons. As I got older, I learned to appreciate depth of character and personality. So, I’d say that men... Dating

2 mo

Do you believe in "work hard and play hard"?

Yeah. I believe that’s how one lives an exciting life that’s full of rich experiences and memories. You work hard, so that you can live life to the fullest! 💪 Relationships

2 mo

Have you ever been given an ultimatum in a relationship and how did you handle it?

I haven’t received an ultimatum before, but I’ve given them on very rare occasions, in the context of dealbreakers. I had an ex girlfriend who wanted an open relationship. I didn’t... Relationships

2 mo

What is Your Disc Personality Type?

When I took the Tony Robbins DISC assessment 4 years ago, I scored: D: 62 I: 70 S: 34 C: 38 So my top one was Influence, followed by Drive. 🙂 Dating

2 mo

Do You Believe In, "Right Person Wrong Time" ?

There might be bad timing. But, if they’re truly the right person, you’ll get resourceful and figure something out to be together. Relationships

2 mo

What are the signs that you are in a controlling relationship?

When it comes to power, any sort of power imbalance needs to be consensual. Some relationships thrive with a designated leader. But, if that arrangement was never agreed upon, then the... Relationships

2 mo

My ex messaged me, asking how I am, what to do?

I think you handled that well. I’d say the best thing to do would to either just not answer, or keep your answers very brief. If he’s missing you and he’s messaging you, but he’s still... Break Up & Divorce

2 mo

Do you think it’s stressful having a partner?

It really depends on who you’re with and what their history is. If they have a great track record with you and with others, then you just need to trust them and get out of your own head.... Dating

3 mo

Are men more forgiving to virgin women?

You positioned yourself as the prize. Also, by being a virgin at the time, it means nobody has ever “won” this prize before. By “winning” you, it would give them a sense of... Dating

3 mo

Agree or Disagree: Alpha male players get all the good women?

Good women don’t give players the time of day. Players are just good at hooking up with easy women. Degenerates attract degenerates. Quality men attract quality women. Dating

3 mo

How should I control my anger in a relationship?

Get some space when you need to cool off — some time to yourself. Find a healthy way for you to clear your mind. That could be going for a walk, doing breathing exercises, meditation,... Relationships

3 mo

What are some useful apps for couples in a long-distance relationship?

For finding people? Probably just wherever you naturally hang out online. A lot of people have bad luck when they just stick solely to dating apps. But that’s going to be a limited... Relationships

3 mo

How good is your rizz?

Pretty solid I’d say. I had my first girlfriend when I was in 6th grade. Then I had a girlfriend in 8th grade. Then in 11th grade. Then in college, I dated 2 other girls. Then after college... Flirting

3 mo

Does KNOWING the fact that people don’t change, MAKE you pickier about people you get close with?

Oh definitely. People usually do not change and are pretty set in their ways. Hoping that somebody will change for the better has always left me feeling disappointed. One... Relationships

3 mo

How much do you value intelligence and intellectual curiosity in a partner?

They don’t need to be book-smart. But, I do want them to be emotionally intelligent and have great self-awareness. They need to have the intelligence needed to work through issues... Relationships

3 mo

What's definition of love for you?

To me, love is all about the bond that two people share. When you care for each other, that bond strengthens. When you trust each other, that bond strengthens. When you... Relationships

3 mo

Do men love innocence?

Different guys like different things. But, usually I’d say that men like a ‘good girl’ exterior with a naughty side in the bedroom. It’s that, “Lady in the streets but a freak in... Dating

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