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3 d

If your SO kisses someone, is it still cheating?

If she is kissing others outside of work , than yes that is cheating Relationships

3 d

Will you let your wife have male friends?

That’s a tough one man , basically it’s ok for her to have male friends , if she isn’t making plans with them and going out with them without you by her side , it has nothing to do with trust , it... Relationships

3 d

Am I overthinking or is he in the wrong?

No you aren’t wrong , your husband is in the wrong , you should of really reconsidered your relationship with him when you found out he was talking to this girl , I guarantee there are things he... Relationships

3 d

Do you think motivating someone by comparing to other people is healthy or toxic?

I think it’s toxic and disrespectful to compare anyone to anybody in an insulting way , basically they are saying someone is better than you are. It’s actually a form of mental abuse if someone is... Relationships

4 d

My ex wants to know if he is justified in breaking up with me?

You are justified to break up with him Break Up & Divorce

4 d

My girlfriend is always on her phone when we are together why?

She is losing interest in you and probably talking to someone else that got her attentions , you are boring to her , her phone is more important than you are. Have a sit down talk with her and... Relationships

4 d

Should I get back on dating apps if I want a boyfriend?

Dating apps are mainly just for hooking up , very slim chance you will find someone that’s in it for the long haul , but it’s possible , as long as you play your cards right Dating

4 d

What are things women do that make a man feel loved and respected?

Make him your top priority , make it clear you are off limits to other men , don’t slack on intimacy and affection, make him feel wanted and valued , be submissive to him in the bedroom Dating

4 d

What makes maintaining a long term relationship so difficult?

Learning how to remove Selfishness from within yourself , most people can’t do that for each other , it basically starts , when you start to feel like you are missing out on things and no longer... Relationships

4 d

Is it normal not to be married or have children by the age of 30?

I hope so , I was married with kids at the age of 23 lol Relationships

4 d

My husband is falling in love with an old friend what should I do?

Well the fact that he is telling you this is a huge Red Flag , something you shouldn’t overlook , if he truly loved you and valued you , this other girl wouldn’t even be in the picture whatsoever... Relationships

4 d

Why is dating with guys so hard nowadays?

Because dating girls’ these days is hard as well , sadly most people in general these days , have very selfish mindsets that only want things to go their way , if things don’t go their way , they... Dating

5 d

Do girls have to look very pretty on dates?

If she wants to impress her date , she should take the time to look nice , she doesn’t have to go over extreme but she should at least look presentable if she wants to impress him Dating

5 d

Should I go back to my Ex?

Never take an ex back , it’s a waste of time , if 2 people Truly loved each other? They wouldn’t be exes period Break Up & Divorce

5 d

If your SO dies do you call them your ex?

I would just say my deceased partner Break Up & Divorce

5 d

How do I become more approachable and less intimidating?

You might have a resting bitch face that you don’t realize you have , so it’s best for you to try to smile More , so guys’ don’t feel that intimidated toward you, if you have a resting bitch... Dating

5 d

Why do men think stay at home moms/housewives never cheat and it’s mostly working women ?

If someone is going to cheat , they are going to cheat no matter what. We can’t stop anyone from cheating on us , All we can do is accept it , or kick them the fuck out of your life for good. Relationships

5 d

Women, what dating advice do you have for men? Men, what dating advice do you have for women?

Learn to be honest , stop lying and stop being selfish, wear his shoes the same way you want him wearing yours. Stop listening to your toxic friends advice , your friends will not be by your side... Dating

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