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7 d

Is 9 years considered an age gap relationship?

This question is misleading cause a quick reader might interpret the 9 as 9 years old rather than 9 year age difference between two legal and mature adults. A lot of people answer without reading... Dating

8 d

Why do girls look for guys in their class to date?

When I was in school the main thing that drew me to guys I liked was dynamic differences. Meaning he was significantly more intelligent than me or more hard working than me or more popular than me... Dating

8 d

How many times have you had your heart broken to the point you can handle rejection well?

I had one big rejection at 18 that made me very strong, so strong that men would not date me cause they viewed me as one of the guys. Relationships

9 d

Girls, have we gotten to the point where there are not enough good men to date/marry?

There are plenty of good people, most are married but you have a reasonable percentage who are not. Dating

9 d

Would you or do you cancel plans with friends to be with your partner?

My boyfriend would be more important than most of my non family connections but I don’t break a commitment unless it’s a dangerous situation or a health crises. Relationships

9 d

Does it bother if you get to know that your partner or wife cheated on his/her ex?

Every relationship dynamic and probable cause regarding desired behaviour is different, but a person who engages in morally risky breakages in previous connections might carry that troublesome... Relationships

10 d

Hypothetically speaking, if you have to choose between old love and new love, which one would you choose?

A new love is a mystery door, it could lead to great blessing or great trauma. An old love is stable, you know what you are buying or not buying. Relationships

10 d

Would You consider a man more successful if he was broke, handsome and tall, with 4 kids, or a billionaire who was fat short and average, without kid?

I don't have a problem with being a mother, but I do not value a guy that has multiple children with different women and did not stay committed to the mothers. Dating

10 d

For you, what is the hardest part of maintaining a relationship?

The guy I talk to now, I would say the biggest problem is time. If he does not have time for me or I do not have time for him. Relationships

10 d

Is being fat a choice?

I would say it is often a choice but an unconscious choice. An example is that Dr. Oz showed on t. v. that the low calorie vegetarian soup dieters were buying to lose weight contained 5 times more... Dating

10 d

How important for a guy to make the woman they like giggle/laugh?

I look for positivity and emotional stimulation in a relationship and humour achieves that in a powerful way, but I think kindness and mutual celebration and appreciation would do the same thing. Relationships

10 d

Do you get insecure and overthink everything when you like someone? Especially if there are something to think about like a wide age gap?

I might get intimidated if I like a guy but it's not due to performance or behavioural anxiety its due to caution that this person has the power to hurt my feelings or put my happiness at risk... Dating

10 d

"Real treasure was the friends we made along the way" Do you agree to this quote?

I believe human beings measure each other by their friends but God measures you by the kindness you show others. I've heard of political prisoners who go 4 years without a single friend to talk to... Relationships

10 d

How long do you normally wait to reply to a message?

I don't wait. I reply as soon as I receive the message. Dating

11 d

Girls, would you be offended or upset if a guy friend you rejected completely cut contact with you?

I expect my friends to be friends with me because they like and respect me. Not fake interest in my personality because they are hoping I will date them one day. If a guy does not like my... Dating

11 d

Would you date a military man?

I would not because there are high rates of mental health trauma and violence after people go through something so difficult. I am not saying they do not deserve love, but I do not want to risk my... Dating

12 d

As you've gotten older, has the idea of marriage become less or more valuable to you?

I am going to inherit millions when my parents die and I will not date out of desperation, whether social or financial. I will play the field until I find a very good person that wants to marry me... Marriage & Weddings

12 d

Have you ever dated someone that was broke? Did it bother you?

I dated a guy who was extremely broke and I was perfectly happy with our financial situation. Neither one of us had immediate financial obligations so we were focused on skill building and future... Dating

14 d

Is it bad if I avoid dating and relationships and I just try to become more physically attractive (looksmaxx) and get wealthy (moneymaxx) ?

I read a free psychology article and the psychologist said people who marry people they are deeply interested in will one day wake up and realize the person has lost all their appeal. It's part of... Dating

14 d

Do you believe God is a man or a woman?

I believe God is circumscribed as male in dialogue because the bible says the masculine identity is the default identity and the female identity was created as a beautiful diversion from the... Religion & Spirituality

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