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2 mo

What does it mean when your boyfriend goes around telling other women they're single?

Wait, do you mean telling other women that he is single? Or telling other women that you are single? If it's A it's because he's looking to cheat. Clear and simple. Dating

2 mo

If you walked in and your girlfriend was dressed like this what would be your reaction?

Pull off the undies and start eating the puss. Dating

2 mo

Are you a believer in zodiacs sign in dating?

Nah, never did believe that stuff. Not to mention the 12 zodiac signs are not even correct and are based on a Roman calendar system like everything else. Thousands of years ago people used a... Dating

2 mo

How come a lot of young guys say that they don’t like a clingy woman?

Do they? It always seems to be many of the young dudes who say they like that. Dating

2 mo

Why do people think that if a guy has never had a girlfriend, that he must be a bad person who deserves it?

I don't think they necessarily think he deserves it, but they do judge a guy a lot for it. Men will be cruel towards other men for their singleness or 'not having success,' and women also will... Dating

2 mo

Why is there a such a nasty stigma around a 22 year old man dating a 78 year old woman?

Wow. I love older women but 78 is just extreme to me lol. If he was 22 and she was 30 that wouldn't be so bad, or if he was 32 and she was 50. But 22 and 78 I gotta say is cringe. Valentine's Day

3 mo

Who has it harder when trying to date - women or men?

I think it isn't quite that cut and dried. I think dating is harder for certain types of men and women. Although I might lean slightly towards men, because women want men to feel hopeless and... Dating

3 mo

How can I attract men around my age?

I am one of the few older guys out there who has no desire for young women around your age whatsoever. But yeah, it is more than common for many men my age and older to all want young things, so... Dating

3 mo

Is it wrong to mention sex on a dating site?

Nah, you're not wrong at all. She was the one who mentioned sex and you just wanted her to elaborate on what her view was. She's the one who was wrong to just drop you like that, leaving you... Dating

3 mo

Is it logical to approach a girl who doesn't show any interest in you?

Assuming you've crossed paths before or maybe have had a few words and she clearly is not interested, then I would say it's pretty illogical. But if you've never even spoken before, how do you... Dating

3 mo

I like him and how do I move on?

Uhhhh why move on if you like him? Has he decided he doesn't want to talk to you or be with you? Dating

3 mo

Can I date a 31 year old man?

You certainly can. I love women that much older than me❤️ Dating

3 mo

Guys, would you be scared to date/ be intimate with a woman who was r*ped before?

I have already been in a relationship with a former rape victim. There was nothing scary about it. But what I can say is that what she went through probably explains why she was the way she was.... Dating

3 mo

Have you ever denied liking a girl because she was out of your league?

Have never denied that. I don't even look at this or that woman as even being in or out of my league. Looks fool people into thinking that because a person is very attractive that they're somehow... Dating

3 mo

Is it true women come to you?

Really hard to vote on this although I picked A just to see the results. So the theory is both right and wrong. Right in that when you are charismatic as a man, you present an interesting... Dating

3 mo

Is it true that most women date up while most men date down?

Nah, not even close. Most women date men they know very well are not good value, or they have no business even being with such guys, and then they go on to marry and later divorce these men. Many... Dating

3 mo

What would be the perfect date for a man to take a woman on?

Something of an activity. Bowling, a paint bar, always eating out somewhere will never get old. Dating

3 mo

Do you message people who are more attractive than you on dating sites?

This sounds like woman behavior/thinking when it comes to dating. I simply message women I think are attractive, not caring or wanting them to be more attractive than me. Dating

3 mo

Guys, what are some red flags you've encountered in your date's abode?

She literally had large framed photos of her own face up on her walls. Talk about extremely egotistical. Dating

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