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+1 y

Would you date a person with a disability?

I got no problem with that. I myself got essential tremor, it's not severe enough to hinder my life, but it's the type of problem that tends to get worse as one ages. I wouldn't have a problem... Dating

+1 y

Would you date a girl that is as skinny as the girls in the pictures?

I'm a big girl and have dated a very skinny girl like the pictures above. It's not my preferred body, but I wouldn't dump someone because of their weight. If I like a person it's all good Dating

+1 y

Boyfriend repeatedly tried to force me to eat something and got mad when I said no?

He was acting way out of line. It's good he's going to see someone. If he does something like this again down the line, seriously consider breaking up. We all have our bad days and moments, but... Relationships

+1 y

Would you date a girl with butt implants?

I wouldn't turn someone away if I like their personality. But generally I don't like any type of modifications of ones body like that. Dating

+1 y

Second date at his house, will he be expecting sex?

Depending on the guy. Maybe he'd expect it, maybe he would just be pleased if you would offer it. In the end, be sure to be upfront about what you're ready for and not. Don't ever let him get... Dating

+1 y

What are some super obvious signs someone is flirting with you?

When it's flirting with me, I am very clueless. I assume people are just nice to me Flirting

+1 y

Would you be ok with dating a girl who usually doesn't carry a purse/handbag?

Yeah I'm the same. I think handbags looks nice, but gah I think they're annoying to deal with... I usually have a backpack. It's something I'm a little worried about too if my partner cares or not... Relationships

+1 y

Would you like it if your partner was obsessed with you?

Possessive talk to me is hot in bed. But when it's outside of the bedroom it doesn't sit well. Not if it's come up many times per week at least. Think we're all possessive at times, but when it... Relationships

+1 y

What kind of "pop" are you?

I haven't had or seen most of these, but I feel C describe me fairly well. Relationships

+1 y

My best friend became my crush and now he is my friends with benefits. How do I get him to like me?

Okay I'm going to be honest... I think it sounds like he isn't interested in you in that way. I suggest asking him straight out, and if he says no... Then stop sleeping with him. If you have... Dating

+1 y

Could you date a mother? A single mother?

As of right now, where I am in my life, dating any single parent would be hard. But when I have come to a point I'm stable financially etc, I wouldn't be against it. Personally I don't even know... Dating

+1 y

Girls, Do you prefer tall men?

Yeah I do like my boys and girls tall... But I don't have it as a checkbox, like I wouldn't date someone who weren't a specific height etc. It's more a preference, like I prefer brunettes. And... Dating

+1 y

Do you like when your partner calls you a "good boy/girl"?

I kinda have a praise kink... So in bed if someone says such things or better yet, say I'm doing good/looking good yees... Yes please But in normal situations I think it's okay, usually prefers... Relationships

+1 y

Is it harder to find a good man or a good woman?

I think both are hard to find. When we say good women/men in this scenario I'm assuming we mean good people who are also good looking. I mean, I honestly don't know a lot of beautiful... Dating

+1 y

Is the French kiss overrated?

Only done it with one person, and they hadn't done it before either... So 🤷‍♂️ But I think it would be more pleasant with someone who got some experience For me it felt just sloppy and... Dating

+1 y

Is it shallow of me not wanting to date a smoker?

Not shallow. To me most smokers are basically addicted to their cigarettes. And need one multiple times per day. I see addictions seriously, just because nicotine is acceptable because companies... Dating

+1 y

Would you date and marry and settle someone who is a 5 or 6 or below on a beauty scale but has a good personality, if so why or why not?

I don't really believe in a beauty scale. If I like my partners personality, I will think they're beautiful even with their imperfections. So I got no 'look' standards I keep myself by when dating... Dating

+1 y

Do you prefer saying goodbye or ghosting?

Usually say goodbye. Unless it's just someone I only talked with for an hour or something on tinder, then I can forget to to answer and so I end up ghosting Dating

+1 y

In your marriage, do you want the woman to take the man's last name? & Do you expect the man to be the primary breadwinner?

For me I think it's not a big deal. However, if my partner would push me towards taking his last name because he thought he was in charge or something... I'd be leaving. I don't have particular... Relationships

+1 y

My boyfriend forgot my birthday. What should I do?

How long have you dated? Personally I have a hard time remembering dates, including birthdays. So he may be a person like this. Give him the day, if he doesn't say anything by the evening/night... Relationships

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